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How this document has been cited

In sustaining Stephen Girard's will, this Court referred to the inevitable conflicts engendered by matters "connected with religious polity," and particularly "in a country composed of such a variety of religious sects as our country."
Research has eventually supplied reason to believe that charitable uses were recognized by the English law before the Norman Conquest, and that the Court of Chancery had sustained such trusts long before the enactment of the Statute of Charitable Uses by Parliament in 1601. 43 Eliz., c. 4.
- in Mirinda v. King, 1951 and 31 similar citations
If the trustee named could not act, the court would appoint a trustee to carry out the provisions of the trust.
- in Fitchie v. Brown, 1908 and 33 similar citations
The Supreme Court and other courts approved such laws on the ground that Christianity is “part of the common law of” the American states.
- in The State and Religion in a nutshell and 31 similar citations
Christianity, and declined to inquire further as to "general considerations of the supposed public interests and policy of Pennsylvania upon this subject, beyond what its constitution and laws and judicial decisions make known to us," because "[t] he question, what is the public policy of a state, and what is contrary to it, if inquired into beyond these limits, will be found to be …
- in Meta Platforms, Inc. v. BrandTotal Ltd., 2022 and 36 similar citations
" `[W] e are a Christian people, and the morality of the country is deeply ingrafted upon Christianity, and not upon the doctrines or worship of... imposters
- in Van Orden v. Perry, 2005 and 32 similar citations
—the Court declined to invalidate a charitable bequest that prohibited the school for orphans it established from employing religious ministers.
- in Meta Platforms, Inc. v. BrandTotal Ltd., 2022 and 28 similar citations
W] e are compelled to admit that although Christianity be a part of the common law of the state, yet it is so in this qualified sense, that its divine origin and truth are admitted, and therefore it is not to be maliciously and openly reviled and blasphemed against, to the annoyance of believers or the injury of the public
- in Law, Christianity, and Adoption and 40 similar citations
We know of no authority which inculcates such a doctrine, or prohibits the execution of such trusts, even though the act of incorporation may have for its main objects mere civil and municipal government and powers.
- in PERIN ET AL. v. CAREY ET AL., 1861 and 17 similar citations
—it supposes the case of a devise to Philadelphia'to supply its inhabitants with good and wholesome water.'

Cited by

805 A. 2d 21 - Pa: Commonwealth Court 2002
4 Pa. D. & C. 2d 671 - Pa: Court of Common Pleas 1955
58 US 369 - Supreme Court 1855
386 Pa. 548 - Pa: Supreme Court 1956
81 A. 3d 24 - Pa: Supreme Court 2013
18 A. 3d 421 - Pa: Commonwealth Court 2011
535 F. Supp. 751 - Dist. Court, ND Illinois 1981
355 F. 2d 269 - Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit 1965
292 P. 2d 986 - Colo: Supreme Court 1956

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