Cannabis Sativa

How this document has been cited

—held that expending money for religious purposes (in that case, for 4Thomas E. Fairchild and Charles P. Seibold, “Constitutional Revision in Wisconsin,”
- in The Wisconsin State Constitution and 2 similar citations
The first case of this sort came up on Wisconsin when two out of about thirty pupils who were transported attended the public school in the adjoining district while all the others attended the parochial school
- in Educational law simplified and 3 similar citations
A board has frequently been held liable, however, when the injury resulted from some act in which the board exceeded its authority, or when the in-See p. 12 of this bulletin for a fuller discussion of the relation of the school board to the state. 2
- in Research Bulletin and 3 similar citations
Contract so providing is not saved by the fact that 2 children of 27 being transported attend public school.
School districts are merely quasi-municipal bodies and agents of the state for the purpose of administering the state's system of public education and have only such powers as are conferred upon them expressly or by necessary implication
- in Buse v. Smith, 1976 and one similar citation
Indeed, the Judd Court noted the scarcity of authority and indicated that it was influenced in its decision by two reported decisions, one from Wisconsin and one from Delaware: We have found but two decisions upon the precise question involved in this case
- in The Catholic Lawyer and one similar citation
Vol. 44 of Landmark Briefs and Arguments of the Supreme Court of_the_United States: Constitutional Lav (Arlington, Virginia: University Publications of America, 1975), p. 52.
Meanwhile, the supreme courts of Wisconsin and Delaware invalidated upon constitutional grounds policies of furnishing transportation to parochial schools.
Municipal corporations: Cities of the fourth class: Minor officers: Appointment or election: Establishment of method: Change.
- in Wisconsin Reports and one similar citation
Opinion of the Attorney-General of the State of Minnesota on the Transportation of Pupils to Private Schools, October 22, 1919. 7. State ex rei.
- in The use of public school funds and public school property for other than … and one similar citation

Cited by

488 P. 2d 860 - Idaho: Supreme Court 1971
174 SE 2d 711 - W Va: Supreme Court of Appeals 1970
449 P. 2d 130 - Haw: Supreme Court 1968
226 A. 2d 471 - NJ: Superior Court, Law Div. 1967
216 A. 2d 668 - Del: Supreme Court 1966
362 P. 2d 932 - Alaska: Supreme Court 1961
73 Cal. App. 2d 653 - Cal: Court of Appeal 1946
S Miller… - 2019

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