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Variables Associated With Police Use of Excessive Force in the United States

LS Zanders - 2023 -
… racial and ethnic minorities in the United States, controlling for race, … Using conflict theory,
this study was an examination of traffic … The primary theory selected in this analysis was conflict

International Choice of Law: A Proposal for a New" Enclave" of Federal Common Law

Y Marcuse - Fordham Int'l LJ, 1981 - HeinOnline
… case6 is chosen according to state, not federal, conflict of laws principles. Because … our
courts involves the foreign relations of the United States and can thus be brought within a federal …


N Johnson - Journal of Dispute Resolution, 2024 -
… A new firm is impressed with Zanders work and wants them to come work for the … in Zanders
failed experiences would have prepped the competitor’s company to cash in on Zanders

[PDF][PDF] Legal Fictions

LA Zander - 2023 -
… The action of ejectment features most prominently in Samuel Warren’s Ten Thousand a-Year
(1841). A highly popular 19th-century novel in both the United States and Europe, it not …

Civil commitment in Wisconsin: The impact of Lessard v. Schmidt

TK Zander - Wis. L. Rev., 1976 - HeinOnline
… not resolved this conflict, and in its wake, the state's two … State of Wisconsin appealed the
decision in July 1973 and it was vacated and remanded to the district court by the United States

A Bill of Rights for the United Kingdom--now

M Zander - Tex. Int'l LJ, 1997 - HeinOnline
… judges to hold an existing rule of law invalid as in conflict with the Bill of Rights. Until now, at
… become of importance, as it had in the United States. This last point was raised by the Lord …

Student Due Process in the Private University: The State Action Doctrine

RJ Horwitz, DJ Miller - Syracuse L. Rev., 1968 - HeinOnline
… It is not unlike the grouping of contacts doctrine employed in the choice of law area of
conflict of laws.25 The leading case employing the state contacts theory is Burton v. Wilmington …

The Transnational Case in Conflict of Laws: Two Suggestions for the New Restatement Third of Conflict of Laws-Judicial Jurisdiction over Foreign Defendants and …

LJ Silberman, ND Yaffe - Duke J. Comp. & Int'l L., 2016 - HeinOnline
… 2 of the Restatement of the Law Third, Conflict of Laws acknowledges the … Conflict of
Laws," states that rules in the Restatement that are not limited to States of the United States or to …

A Union View of Collective Bargaining in the Public Service

AS Zander - Public Personnel Administration and Labor Relations, 2015 -
… tension, quarrels, and bitter conflict between the parties, with their ultimate effect on the
public. Traditionally, public employee unions in the United States have not attempted the same …

On the Settlement of Disputes about the Christian Holy Places

W Zander - Israel Law Review, 1973 -
… But the history of the Christian Holy Places in and around Jerusalem has been determined
for nearly a thousand years mainly by the conflict between the Roman Catholic and the Greek …

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