Cannabis Sativa

This is the Radiant Quilt. If you like, you can take an empty square and fill it with something nice, such as a picture or a quote. Be creative!

"Complexo sulum quoniam is vires exsisto vestri permaneo." File:Spoo.PNG "The harder you push, the stronger we become." —Radiant, to Urza
Glens beðja veðr gyðju
goðblíð í vé, síðan
ljós kømr gótt, með geislum,
gránserks ofan Mána.

Skúli Þórsteinsson, ca. 1000
a little too radiant You are one of the few things that maintains my faith in the project. Thank you so much for coming back.
File:Glowing tobacco plant.jpg File:RadiantQuiltFractal.jpg "In the great journey of life, some how, some way, I always seem to end up taking the stairs..."
The sun also rises.
If only we might fall
Like cherry blossoms in the spring
So pure and radiant.
anon c.1945
Love while you've got
love to give.
Live while you've got
life to live.
Piet Hein
You don't have to get it right. You just have to get it going. - Joe Schroeder
Perseus, radiant of the Perseids.
File:Radian cropped color.png

When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other.
Chinese proverb

A Radiant Smile for the Radiant Quilt!

Radiance Like a Thousand Suns
Now you have a point, too

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