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Decline of Eastern Christianity: From Jihad to Dhimmitude is a book by world renowned historian and expert on Islamic culture Bat Yeor.


  • After the Islamic conquest in the seventh century, they came under the dhimma, a treaty of submission for each people conquered by jihad.
  • The infidels who submit to Islamic rulers are given a pledge of security to protect them from the rules of jihad, so long as they accept a condition of humiliation and of total inferiority to Muslims
  • Islam does not emancipate the dhimmis (religious minorities) nor recognize that jihad and dhimmitude are evil institutions. In fact, they say those are good institutions. They do not recognize the evil in their own history.
  • Islam presents an idealistic version of itself that is not reality.
  • Islam started in 622 and in 640, the Jews and Christians were expelled from Arabia.
  • What the Islamists call Islamic territory today was all Christian territory from Portugal to Armenia before 632 A.D., when the conquest began.
  • They say Jesus was a Muslim and that the true Bible teaches Islam. It's a replacement theology they have toward Jews and Christians."

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