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311 service is a local calling number to deliver all government services in a region.

It has been implemented in some cities in the USA and has been licensed by the CRTC for implementation in Canada.

In the City of Baltimore, Md, it has been successful in dramatically reducing the cost of city services, but only in conjunction with that city's CitiStat service. Municipal officers of Baltimore do not recommend implementation of 311 services without first installing CitiStat. CitiStat is essential infrastructure to record and re-direct the service request information received through the 311 systems.

Steps to Implementation 311 Call Centre Services

1. Set up an effective and complete City services web site. 2. Include access to other levels of government through this web site. 3. Use the web site to train call centre staffers 4. Build call centre facilities 5. Implement and open 311 call centre service.

As you can see above the 311 call centre services only supplement a general on-line accessibilty of local government, mainly to the decreasing portion of the population that does not have or cannot use the Web to access services. It is still, of course, a significant portion of the population.

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