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5 The psychology of emotion
regulation: An integrative review
Sander L. Koole
VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Emotions are often portrayed as irresistible forces that exert a sweeping
influence on behaviour. There is reason to believe, however, that people are
much more flexible in dealing with their emotions. As it turns out, people
can control virtually every aspect of emotional processing, including how
emotion directs attention (Rothermund, Voss, & Wentura, 2008), the
cognitive appraisals that shape emotional experience (Gross, 1998a), and
the physiological consequences of emotion (Porges, 2007). These and other
processes whereby people manage their own emotions are commonly
referred to as emotion regulation. Emotion regulation has been linked to
such important outcomes as mental health (Gross & Mun˜oz, 1995),
physical health (Sapolsky, 2007), relationship satisfaction (Murray, 2005),
and work performance (Diefendorff, Hall, Lord, & Strean, 2000). It thus
seems vital to learn more about the psychology of emotion regulation.
The past decade has witnessed an explosion of emotion-regulation
research (see Gross, 2007, for a comprehensive overview). Indeed, since the
last review on this topic was published in Cognition and Emotion (Gross,
1999), more than 700 journal articles appeared with the term ‘‘emotion
regulation’’ in the title or abstract, according to the PsycInfo database. The
number of relevant publications becomes several times greater if one
considers work on closely related topics such as mood regulation, affect
regulation, and coping. The tremendous increase in research volume has
rendered the study of emotion regulation one of the most vibrant areas in
contemporary psychology. At the same time, it has become increasingly
important to integrate the rapidly accumulating findings and insights. The
need for integration is further enhanced by the multidisciplinary nature of
emotion regulation research, which spans developmental, cognitive, social,
personality, and clinical psychology, and, more recently, cognitive and
affective neurosciences and psychophysiology.
The present article provides an integrative review of contemporary
research on the psychology of emotion regulation. The relevant literature is
too large to be covered exhaustively. Consequently, the present article gives
priority to ideas and findings with broad implications for the psychology of
emotion regulation. Because the development and disorders of emotion
regulation have been reviewed elsewhere (Kring & Werner, 2004; Skinner
& Zimmer-Gembeck, 2007; Southam-Gerow & Kendall, 2002; Taylor &
Liberzon, 2007), the present article concentrates on emotion regulation
among healthy adults. In the following paragraphs, I first consider more
closely what emotion regulation is and how it relates to other forms of
emotion processing. Next, I discuss several approaches to classifying
strategies of emotion regulation and review empirical research on emo-
tion-regulation strategies. Finally, I summarise the main conclusions of the
present article and suggest avenues for future research on emotion
In everyday life, people are continually exposed to potentially emotion-
arousing stimuli, ranging from internal sensations like an upset stomach to
external events such as juicy gossip about a colleague or music played in
supermarkets. From the fact that these kinds of stimuli only occasionally
trigger full-blown emotions, one could infer that people engage in some
form of emotion regulation almost all of the time (Davidson, 1998). But
emotion regulation may also become manifested in more overt ways. For
instance, there are reliable observations that people may rapidly shift their
attention away from threatening stimuli (Langens & Mo¨rth, 2003), that
people may overcome traumatic experiences by writing about them
(Pennebaker & Chung, 2007), and that people may choose to hit a pillow
instead of lashing out at the true cause of their anger (Bushman,
Baumeister, & Phillips, 2001).
In each of the aforementioned cases, people resist being carried away or
‘‘hijacked’’ (Goleman, 1995) by the immediate emotional impact of the
situation. Emotion regulation can thus be defined as the set of processes
whereby people seek to redirect the spontaneous flow of their emotions.
Some approaches have also considered emotion regulation by the external
environment. For instance, developmental research indicates that caregivers
may play a key role in regulating children’s emotional states (Southam-
Gerow & Kandell, 2002) and environmental research has shown that
natural settings can promote more rapid recovery from stress than urban
settings (Van den Berg, Hartig, & Staats, 2007). Emotion regulation by
forces outside the self is clearly important. Nevertheless, following the
predominant focus of the literature (Gross, 2007), the present article
concentrates on the self-regulation of emotion.
The prototype of emotion regulation is a deliberate, effortful process that
seeks to override people’s spontaneous emotional responses. Some forms of
emotion regulation indeed fit this prototype, by drawing upon the same
psychological and neurobiological systems that are involved in the effortful
control of action and attention (Ochsner & Gross, 2005, 2008; Tice &
5. The psychology of emotion regulation 129
Bratslavsky, 2000). However, other forms of emotion regulation are
relatively automatic and effortless (Bargh & Williams, 2007; Koole &
Kuhl, 2007; Mauss, Bunge, & Gross, 2007). Furthermore, emotion
regulation does not always consist of an overriding process, in as far as
this implies an antagonistic stance towards one’s emotions. Indeed, some
sophisticated forms of emotion regulation unfold in close collaboration
with other types of emotion processing (Brown, Ryan, & Creswell, 2007;
Pennebaker & Chung, 2007; Porges, 2007).
During emotion regulation, people may increase, maintain, or decrease
positive and negative emotions. Accordingly, emotion regulation often
involves changes in emotional responding. These changes may occur in the
kinds of emotions that people have, when they have their emotions, and
how they experience and express their emotions (Gross, 1999). Notably,
the emotional changes that are produced by emotion regulation may or may
not bring people closer to the emotional state that they desired. Indeed,
some forms of emotion regulation ironically bring about the very emotional
outcomes that people hope to avoid (e.g., Wegner, Erber, & Zanakos,
1993). Emotion regulation may also fail in other ways, such that people
may still display unwanted emotions despite their best efforts to avoid
them. When people are chronically unable to regulate their emotions, this
may seriously disrupt psychological functioning. Indeed, chronic deficits in
emotion regulation contribute to all major forms of psychopathology
(Bradley, 2000; Kring & Werner, 2004).
The scope of emotion regulation
Emotions have multiple components, consisting of a more or less coherent
cluster of valenced (i.e., positive or negative) behavioural and physiological
responses that are accompanied by specific thoughts and feelings
(Cacioppo, Berntson, & Klein, 1992; Frijda, 2006; Mauss, Levenson,
McCarter, Wilhelm, & Gross, 2005). Because emotion regulation operates
on people’s emotions, it follows that the effects of emotion regulation can
be observed across all modalities of emotional responding, including
behaviour, physiology, thoughts, and feelings.
According to some classic theories of emotion, each emotion triggers a
discrete pattern of behaviour, physiology, thoughts, and feelings. However,
the available evidence does not support the existence of discrete emotional
states (Mauss & Robinson, 2009; Russell, 2003). Instead, emotional
responding appears to be organised in terms of a few fundamental
dimensions, including valence, arousal, and approachÁavoidance. The
influence of emotion regulation on people’s emotional states is therefore
likely to be similarly dimensional. In other words, emotion regulation may
not be so much concerned with getting people in or out of discrete
emotional states like anger, sadness, or joy. Rather, emotion regulation may
130 Koole
change people’s emotional states along dimensions such as valence, arousal,
and approachÁavoidance.
Closely related to emotion regulation are constructs such as mood
regulation, coping with stress, and affect regulation. Although it is possible
to distinguish semantically between these constructs, their substantive
overlap is considerable. At the heart of all emotional states is core affect
(Russell, 2003), basic states of feeling good or bad, energised or enervated.
The regulation of specific emotions, moods, stress, and diffuse affect is
therefore always aimed at changing core affect. Moreover, the empirical
borders between these different emotion constructs are very fuzzy (Russell,
2003). In view of these considerations, it seems most productive to conceive
of emotion regulation broadly, as relating to the management of all
emotionally charged states, including discrete emotions, mood, stress, and
affect. Ultimately, it may be possible to derive more fine-grained distinc-
tions between different types of emotional states that are being regulated.
At present, however, a broad conception of emotion regulation offers the
best promise of uncovering the basic principles that underlie various
emotion-regulatory activities.
Emotion regulation versus emotional sensitivity
A longstanding issue is the distinction between emotion regulation and
other forms of emotion processing. One seemingly straightforward
approach would be to observe the differences between regulated and
unregulated emotions. Unfortunately, this comparison is often difficult to
make. People can regulate their emotions very rapidly (Jostmann, Koole,
Van der Wulp, & Fockenberg, 2005; Rothermund et al., 2008). It is
therefore often unclear ‘‘where an emotion ends and regulation begins’’
(Davidson, 1998, p. 308).
A conceptual solution to this problem lies in the temporal unfolding of
an emotional response (Baumann, Kaschel, & Kuhl, 2007; Davidson,
Jackson, & Kalin, 2000; Skinner & Zimmer-Gembeck, 2007). As it turns
out, people’s primary emotional response to the situation can be qualita-
tively different from their secondary emotional response*see also Lazarus’
(1991) distinction between primary versus secondary appraisals. People’s
primary emotional response presumably reflects their emotional sensitivity,
whereas their secondary emotional response presumably reflects emotion
regulation. This distinction is grounded in the conceptualisation of emotion
regulation as a control process. Control processes, as they are commonly
understood, consist of the monitoring and adjusting of a lower-level process
with respect to a given standard (Carver & Scheier, 1998). Applied to
emotion regulation, this implies that an unwanted emotional response must
occur initially before any emotion regulation can take place. Although
people’s primary emotional response is not yet regulated, it serves as vital
5. The psychology of emotion regulation 131
input for the subsequent monitoring and control processes that constitute
emotion regulation.
To illustrate the distinction between emotional sensitivity and emotion
regulation, Figure 5.1 displays the development of an emotional response
over time (after Kuhl, 2008). To simplify matters, the figure only shows a
single emotional response with a single maximum strength. Emotional
sensitivity is represented by the entry gradient, or the steepness with which
the emotional response reaches its full force. Emotional sensitivity is
determined by any variable that influences people’s initial emotional
response to the situation, including the nature of the stimuli that people
encounter, personal characteristics, and the broader situation. The offset of
the emotional response is depicted in Figure 5.1 as the exit gradient, or the
steepness with which the emotional response returns to a neutral baseline.
Variables that influence the exit gradient belong to the process of emotion
regulation. Similar to emotional sensitivity, emotion regulation is deter-
mined by the characteristics of the person, the stimuli that the person
encounters, and the broader situation.
Down-regulation processes aim to achieve a steeper exit gradient,
resulting in a speedier return to the baseline (e.g., Gross, 1998a). By
contrast, maintenance processes aim to achieve a flatter exit gradient, such
that the emotional response is maintained over a longer period of time (e.g.,
Nolen-Hoeksema, 2000). Up-regulation processes may even increase the
magnitude of the emotion response, for instance, when people engage in
response exaggeration (Schmeichel, Demaree, Robinson, & Pu, 2006).
Emotion regulation may also influence aspects of emotion processing
besides the exit gradient, such as the coherence, intensity, awareness, and
goal-directedness of emotional responses. Nevertheless, it is the impact on
the exit gradient of an emotional response that sets emotion regulation
apart from other types of emotion processing.
Distinguishing between emotional sensitivity and emotion regulation is
relatively straightforward when people are engaged in the on-line regula-
tion of their emotions. However, some forms of emotion regulation occur
Primary reaction
Secondary reaction
High sensitivity
Low sensitivity
Figure 5.1 Model of emotional sensitivity versus emotion regulation.
132 Koole
proactively, for instance, when people avoid an upcoming situation that is
expected to elicit an undesired emotion (Aspinwall & Taylor, 1997;
Zeelenberg & Pieters, 2007). In such cases, emotion regulation subjectively
precedes the onset of emotion. Indeed, to the extent that proactive coping is
successful, people may never experience any unwanted emotion at all.
However, studies have shown that anticipating an emotional experience
leads to a partial simulation of that experience, in which emotional
responses of the brain and body become activated (Niedenthal, 2007;
Niedenthal, Barsalou, Winkielman, Krauth-Gruber, & Ric, 2005). There-
fore emotional sensitivity already comes into play during the anticipation of
unwanted emotions. The distinction between emotional sensitivity and
emotion regulation is therefore meaningful regardless of whether people
regulate their emotions on line, in the heat of the moment, or proactively,
before an emotion-arousing situation has actually occurred.
Separate contributions of emotional sensitivity and emotion regulation
have been observed throughout the lifespan. Infants and young children
display inborn physiological differences that relate to emotional sensitivity,
whereas other physiological differences relate to children’s ability to
regulate their emotional responses (Derryberry, Reed, & Pilkenton-Taylor,
2003; Eisenberg, Fabes, & Guthrie, 1997; Rothbart, Derryberry, & Posner,
1994). Emotion sensitivity follows an intrinsic path of development that is
largely independent of environmental influences and changes less as people
grow older (McCrae et al., 2000; Terracciano, Costa, & McCrae, 2005). By
contrast, competencies at emotion regulation are strongly influenced by the
quality of children’s social interactions with their caregivers (Mikulincer,
Shaver, & Pereg, 2003; Southam-Gerow & Kendall, 2002) and continue to
improve even into old age (Carstensen, Fung, & Charles, 2003; Gro¨pel,
Kuhl, & Kazén, 2004; John & Gross, 2004). Across the lifespan, traits
related to emotion regulation and traits related to emotional reactivity
interact in predicting psychological functioning (Baumann et al., 2007;
Davidson, 1998; Skinner & Zimmer-Gembeck, 2007).
Emotion regulation consists of people’s active attempts to manage their
emotional states. In its broadest sense, emotion regulation subsumes the
regulation of all states that are emotionally charged, including moods,
stress, and positive or negative affect. Emotion regulation determines the
offset of an emotional response, and can thus be distinguished from
emotional sensitivity, which determines the onset of an emotional response.
Emotional sensitivity and emotion regulation follow different develop-
mental paths and are functionally distinct throughout the lifespan.
5. The psychology of emotion regulation 133
Emotion-regulation strategies refer to the concrete approach that people
take in managing their emotions. For instance, after a romantic break-up,
people may focus their attention on a neutral activity (Van Dillen & Koole,
2007), cognitively reframe the situation (Tugade & Frederickson, 2004),
write about their feelings (Pennebaker & Chung, 2007), or eat away at
tasty but fattening foods (Tice, Bratslavsky, & Baumeister, 2001).
Although the notion of ‘‘strategies’’ seems to imply conscious deliberation,
the term as it is used in the present article is agnostic about the underlying
process. The strategic aspect of a given emotion-regulation process refers to
its specification of how a given act of emotion regulation is implemented.
This specification requires making decisions about the implementation of
emotion regulation, but people may not be always fully aware of these
The ordering problem
The potential variety of emotion-regulation strategies is enormous, given
that any activity that impacts people’s emotions may (at least, in principle)
be recruited in the service of emotion regulation. Finding an underlying
order in people’s emotion-regulation strategies therefore represents a
formidable scientific challenge. One empirical method used to classify
emotion-regulation strategies is exploratory factor analysis (e.g., Thayer,
Newman, & McCain, 1994). However, this approach suffers from
problems of interpretability and difficulties in ensuring the comprehensive-
ness of the categories that are derived (see Skinner, Edge, Altman, &
Sherwood, 2003). For instance, in the coping domain, multiple factor
analyses, even on the same set of items, have not produced a replicable
structure in coping strategies (Skinner et al., 2003). Another empirical
method is rational sorting, which involves grouping items that share
common features and separating items that differ (e.g., Parkinson &
Totterdell, 1999). Rational sorting is similarly associated with problems of
comprehensiveness, and has not converged on a common set of categories
in the coping domain (Skinner et al., 2003).
The most rigorous approach to the ordering problem combines top-down
(theoretical) and bottom-up (empirical) approaches. In this combined
approach, one first defines the higher-order categories of emotion-regulation
strategies, after which an empirical approach (such as confirmatory factor
analysis) is used to test the fit of specific emotion-regulation strategies into
the higher-order categories. To date, a combined top-down/bottom-up
approach has not been applied to the classification of emotion-regulation
strategies (though see Skinner et al., 2003, for illustrations in the coping
domain). Nevertheless, researchers have proposed several concepts that
134 Koole
seem potentially useful in fleshing out the higher-order categories of
emotion-regulation strategies.
One potentially useful category distinguishes between automatic versus
controlled emotion-regulation processes. An attractive aspect of this
distinction is that it cuts across the complete range of emotion-regulation
strategies (Mauss et al., 2007). However, automaticity is a heterogeneous
construct. Indeed, a recent conceptual analysis identified as many as eight
concepts associated with automaticity that may vary more or less
independently: intentionality; goal dependence; controllability; autonomy;
the extent to which a process is stimulus driven; consciousness; efficiency;
and speed (Moors & De Houwer, 2006). For constructing a taxonomy, it is
desirable to have categories that are functionally homogeneous (see Skinner
et al., 2003, on criteria for a scientific taxonomy). The concept of
automaticity is therefore less suitable in classifying emotion-regulation
Another influential approach, the so-called ‘‘process model’’ of emotion
regulation, has proposed that emotion-regulation strategies may be
classified by the time at which they intervene in the emotion-generation
process (Gross, 1998a,b, 2001). The process model assumes that emotion
responses are generated in a fixed cycle, such that attention to emotionally
relevant information precedes cognitive appraisals, which in turn precede
emotionally expressive behaviour. However, research indicates that the
order in which emotion responses are generated is in fact variable.
Attention, cognitive appraisals, or behaviour may each occur early or late
in the emotion-generation process. For instance, bodily movements may
directly activate emotional experiences (Niedenthal et al., 2005; Strack,
Martin, & Stepper, 1988), and merely attending to emotional stimuli may
directly trigger emotional behaviour without any intervening cognitive
appraisals (e.g., Neumann, Fo¨rster, & Strack, 2003). The temporal order of
the emotion-generation process therefore offers no basis for systematically
relating emotion-regulation strategies to different classes of emotion
Targets of emotion regulation
Regardless of considerations about the timing of emotion-generation
processes, the process model (Gross, 1998a,b, 2001) calls attention to the
targets of emotion regulation. Emotion regulation is always directed at
manipulating some emotional response. It is plausible that the type of
emotional response that is targeted for regulation will at least partly
determine how people go about the emotion-regulation process. The
emotion-generation system that is targeted for regulation may thus serve
as a higher-order category to classify different emotion-regulation strate-
gies. Among the three most widely studied emotion-generating systems
are attention, knowledge, and bodily expressions of emotion. Emotion
5. The psychology of emotion regulation 135
regulation may thus target one or more of these three broad emotion-
generating systems (Gross, 1998a,b, 2001; Parkinson & Totterdell, 1999;
Philippot, Baeyens, Douilliez, & Francart, 2004).
The first of the emotion-generating systems, attention, consists of a set of
neurological networks that allow people to select incoming information
from sensory input (Fan, McCandliss, Fossella, Flombaum, & Posner,
2005). Attention has been extensively researched within cognitive psychol-
ogy and cognitive neuroscience (see Posner & Rothbart, 2007, for a
review). The resulting insights and methods are increasingly finding their
way to the study of emotion regulation (Derakshan, Eysenck, & Myers,
2007; Ochsner & Gross, 2005; Van Dillen & Koole, 2007, 2009). For
instance, emotion regulation has been examined in well-established
attentional paradigms such as the emotional Stroop task (e.g., Newman
& McKinney, 2002), and the dot-probe task (e.g., Fox, 1993). Attentional
processing in emotion regulation has also been manipulated, for instance by
providing people with an attention-demanding task (Van Dillen & Koole,
2007) or training exercises (Brown et al., 2007).
Emotion-relevant knowledge constitutes a second broad, emotion-
generating system. Among the most widely studied types of emotion
knowledge are cognitive appraisals, which consist of people’s subjective
evaluations during their encounter with emotionally significant events
(Lazarus, 1991; Scherer, Schorr, & Johnstone, 2001). Particularly impor-
tant is the appraisal whether or not an event is relevant to the satisfaction or
frustration of important goals and motives (Lazarus, 1991; Moors, 2007).
Other important appraisals include attributions of an event to self versus
others, controllability of the event, accountability, expectations (Ortony,
Clore, & Collins, 1988; Smith & Lazarus, 1993), and implicit theories of
emotion (Tamir, John, Srivastava, & Gross, 2007b). Emotionally signifi-
cant knowledge may also be retrieved from memory (e.g., Joormann &
Siemer, 2004), and may differ in terms of structure and processing aspects,
including their differentiation (Tugade, Frederickson, & Barrett, 2004),
complexity (Kang & Shaver, 2004), and awareness (Ruys & Stapel, 2008).
The third of the emotion-generating systems includes the many
embodied ways in which emotions unfold, including facial expressions,
bodily postures, voluntary and involuntary motor movements, and psycho-
physiological responses (see Mauss & Robinson, 2009, for a review). In as
far as attention and appraisals influence the body (e.g., Dandeneau,
Baldwin, Baccus, Sakellaropoulo, & Pruessner, 2007; Sapolsky, 2007),
one might question whether the body represents a separate emotion-
generating system. Nevertheless, bodily emotion responses often follow
different patterns than cognitive emotion responses (Mauss & Robinson,
2009). Moreover, bodily emotion responses shape the course of people’s
emotions in ways that cannot be reduced to attention or appraisal processes
(Niedenthal et al., 2005; Zajonc, 1998). A separate status for the body is
further warranted because several important emotion-regulation strategies,
136 Koole
such as expressive suppression (Gross, 1998a) and progressive muscle
relaxation (Esch, Fricchione, & Stefano, 2003), primarily target bodily
manifestations of emotion.
When emotion-regulation strategies are merely classified by their
targeted emotion-generation system, this results in rather heterogeneous
groupings. For instance, repressive coping (Langens & Mo¨rth, 2003) and
mindfulness training (Brown et al., 2007) may both target attention, even
though the latter involves purposefully paying attention to negative
emotion, whereas the former avoids negative emotion altogether. In this
regard, mindfulness training seems more similar to expressive writing about
one’s emotional experiences (Pennebaker & Chung, 2007). However,
expressive writing also involves acquiring more insight into one’s emotions,
and hence targets knowledge systems. Although these are just a few
examples, it appears that some important element is still missing from the
classification of emotion-regulation strategies.
Functions of emotion regulation
The missing element may be the functions of emotion regulation. By
regulating their emotions, people seek to achieve certain psychological
outcomes or functions. The functions of emotion regulation cut across all
emotion-regulation strategies, and apply regardless of whether these
strategies are directed at attention, knowledge, or the body. As such, the
functions of emotion regulation represent a basic category for characteris-
ing different emotion strategies, a category that is independent of which
emotion-generating system is targeted.
Traditionally, psychologists have assumed that people’s emotion-regula-
tion efforts serve hedonic needs that are aimed at promoting pleasure and
preventing pain (e.g., Larsen, 2000; Westen, 1994). Negative emotional
states are costly, because they mobilise a wide array of mental and physical
resources within the individual (Sapolsky, 2007). Need-oriented emotion
regulation may thus be adaptive, by allowing individuals to conserve these
resources by promoting a rapid return to hedonically agreeable states.
Because hedonic needs presumably operate on subcognitive levels of
information processing (Panksepp, 1998), need-oriented emotion regula-
tion may operate even in the absence of any conscious emotion-regulation
goal. Indeed, hedonic needs may be immediately activated upon encounter-
ing emotional stimuli (Berridge & Winkielman, 2003; Neumann et al.,
2003). Because the need-oriented functions of emotion regulation are
directed towards immediate gratification, this type of emotion regulation
often has an impulsive quality (Tice et al., 2001).
Although hedonic needs are important, they cannot account for the full
range of emotion-regulation processes (Erber, 1996; Erber & Erber, 2000).
For instance, social interactions often require people to remain ‘‘cool and
collected’’, and hence may lead people to down-regulate both negative and
5. The psychology of emotion regulation 137
positive moods (Erber, Wegner, & Therriault, 1996). Other types of goals
may similarly increase the utility of hedonically aversive states (Achtzinger,
Gollwitzer, & Sheeran, 2008; Tamir, Chiu, & Gross, 2007a), and thereby
motivate emotion regulation efforts to attain or maintain those states. For
instance, because many people believe that fear and worry promote the
attainment of avoidance goals, people who adopt avoidance goals may be
motivated to maintain these negative emotions (Tamir et al., 2007a). In a
related vein, changes in task demands may decrease the relevance of
emotionally charged information, leading people to devote fewer proces-
sing resources to emotion-eliciting information (Van Dillen & Koole,
2009). Rather than being hedonically oriented, the latter forms of emotion
regulation are oriented towards the priorities that are set by specific norms,
goals, or tasks. Emotion regulation may thus serve important goal-oriented
Some of the functions of emotion regulation may extend even beyond
single goals. In particular, emotion regulation may allow people to balance
multiple goal pursuits (Koole & Kuhl, 2007; Rothermund et al., 2008) and
promote integration among personality processes (Baumann, Kaschel, &
Kuhl, 2005; Kuhl, 2000). Human personality consists of many interacting
processes, the joint functioning of which has emergent, system-level
properties that cannot be reduced to the behaviour of its individual
elements (Nowak, Vallacher, Tesser, & Borkowski, 2000). As such,
emotion-regulation processes at the level of the whole person serve distinct
psychological functions. The person-oriented functions of emotion regula-
tion have been elaborated by personality systems interactions theory (PSI)
(Kuhl, 2000). According to PSI theory, emotion regulation may facilitate
personality functioning in two major ways. First, by preventing people
becoming locked up in specific motivational-emotional states, emotion
regulation may promote flexibility in personality functioning (see Rother-
mund et al., 2008). Second, by stimulating the dynamic exchange between
personality processes, emotion regulation may promote coherence and
long-term stability within the overall personality system (Baumann et al.,
Emotion regulation may thus serve multiple functions, including the
satisfaction of hedonic needs, facilitation of specific goals and tasks, and
optimisation of personality functioning. In many cases, people may
combine these functions. For instance, when people experience emotional
distress, boosting positive emotions may simultaneously satisfy hedonic
needs, facilitate compliance with social norms for emotional neutrality, and
increase the overall flexibility of the personality system. The functions may
also conflict. Both goal- and person-oriented emotion regulation may
require people to tolerate negative emotional states, and may thus conflict
with need-oriented emotion regulation. Moreover, goal-oriented emotion
regulation may conflict with person-oriented emotion regulation because
the former has a narrower focus. For instance, extended activation of
138 Koole
goal-oriented emotion regulation may cause over-activation of the sympa-
thetic nervous system (Thayer & Lane, 2007). When the latter occurs,
person-oriented emotion regulation will aim to restore autonomic balance
and thus conflict with goal-oriented emotion regulation.
How people resolve conflicts between need-, goal-, or person-oriented
functions is largely unknown. Conceivably, people alternate between
functions. Need-oriented functions may become more important when
people are experiencing acute emotional distress; goal-oriented functions
when there are strong situational norms for appropriate emotional
responding; and person-oriented functions when people are oriented
towards their long-term well-being. It is also plausible that there exist
individual differences in the preferential use of each function. For instance,
need-oriented functions may be more important among repressive copers
(Derakshan et al., 2007), and person-oriented functions may be more
important among individuals with a secure attachment style (Mikulincer
et al., 2003) or action-oriented individuals (Kuhl & Beckmann, 1994).
Emotion-regulation strategies specify how people go about managing a
particular unwanted emotion. A consensual, empirically validated taxon-
omy that spans all known emotion-regulation strategies has yet to be
developed. Nevertheless, the literature has yielded several higher-order
categories that seem useful in classifying emotion-regulation strategies. The
most viable higher-order categories to this end are the emotion-generating
system that is targeted and the psychological functions that are served by
emotion regulation. Among the major emotion-generating systems that are
targeted in emotion regulation are attention, knowledge, and the body. The
main functions of emotion regulation are promoting the satisfaction of
hedonic needs, facilitating goal achievement, and optimising global
personality functioning.
The classification of emotion-regulation strategies by their targets and
functions offers a preliminary basis for reviewing the extant literature. An
overview of the target by function classification is provided in Table 5.1.
Notably, this classification scheme does not propose a new theoretical
explanation of emotion-regulation strategies. Rather, it provides a descrip-
tive framework for organising the known universe of emotion-regulation
strategies. The classification will hopefully stimulate the development of
more sophisticated models that can provide a mechanistic explanation for
the observed differences between emotion-regulation strategies.
5. The psychology of emotion regulation 139
The remainder of this section will use the target by function classification
to organise the literature on emotion-regulation strategies. For each
psychological function of emotion regulation, I first discuss the criteria
for deciding whether emotion-regulation strategies fit with this function. I
then review the empirical evidence for emotion-regulation strategies that
are oriented towards each function, which may respectively target atten-
tion, knowledge representations, or bodily manifestations of emotion. Some
work has suggested that emotion-regulation strategies that target attention
or knowledge are more effective than strategies that target bodily
Table 5.1 Target by function classification of emotion-regulation strategies
Psychological function
Thinking pleasurable
or relaxing thoughts
(Langens & Mörth,
(Derakshan et al.,
Effortful distraction
(Van Dillen & Koole,
(Wenzlaff &
Wegner, 2000)
Attentional counter-
(Rothermund et al.,
2008); Meditation
(Cahn & Polich,
2006); Mindfulness
training (Brown
et al., 2007)
Cognitive dissonance
reduction (Harmon-
Jones & Mills,
Motivated reasoning
(Kunda, 1990);
Self-defence (Tesser,
reappraisal (Gross,
1998b; Ochsner &
Gross, 2008)
Expressive writing
(Pennebaker, 1997);
Specification of
(Neumann &
Philippot, 2007);
Activating stored
networks of emotion
knowledge (Barrett
et al., 2001)
Stress-induced eating
(Greeno & Wing,
affiliation (Taylor
et al., 2000)
(Gross, 1998a);
(Schmeichel et al.,
Venting (Bushman
et al., 2001)
Controlled breathing
(Philippot et al.,
Progressive muscle
relaxation (Esch
et al., 2003)
Note: Cited articles refer to relevant empirical demonstrations or literature reviews.
140 Koole
expressions of emotion (Gross, 1998a,b, 2001). Accordingly, I also
consider the relative effectiveness of cognitive versus bodily emotion-
regulation strategies for each psychological function of emotion regulation.
The present review is necessarily selective, and focuses on well-controlled,
process-oriented research. The main emphasis is on emotion-regulation
strategies that are widely used among psychologically healthy individuals.
When relevant, however, the present review considers individual differences
in emotion regulation. For instance, if an emotion-regulation strategy is used
particularly often by certain individuals, highlighting this group can bring
into sharper focus those processes that are involved in this particular
emotion-regulation strategy. Moreover, in as far as individual differences in
emotion regulation are stable over time, their study can shed more light on
the potential long-term consequences of using specific emotion-regulation
Need-oriented emotion regulation
Need-oriented emotion regulation is driven by people’s needs to experience
hedonically rewarding states, which consist of low levels of negative and
high levels of positive emotion. Because needs can operate on a subcognitive
level (Panksepp, 1998), need-oriented strategies can emerge in the absence
of explicit goals or instructions to strive for a favourable hedonic state. The
strongest evidence for need-oriented emotion regulation is provided by
emotion-regulation behaviour that maximises short-term emotional bene-
fits at the expense of long-term well-being (cf. Tice et al., 2001). Never-
theless, need-oriented emotion regulation does not inevitably lead to poor
long-term outcomes. Theoretically, need-oriented emotion regulation
should mainly undermine long-term well-being in cases where there exists
a conflict between short-term hedonic benefits and long-term outcomes. In
the absence of such conflicts, need-oriented emotion regulation may be
adaptive. Consequently, discriminate use of need-oriented emotion regula-
tion could be beneficial, whereas chronic use of need-oriented emotion
regulation is likely to have adverse consequences.
Some of the most robust evidence for need-oriented regulation of attention
is based on research on individual differences in repressive coping style
(Derakshan et al., 2007; Weinberger, Schwarz, & Davidson, 1979). In this
research, individuals who score high on a measure of social desirability
(indicative of a self-aggrandising response style) and low on a measure of
trait anxiety are identified as repressors. Over many studies, repressors have
been found to avoid negative emotional stimuli to a greater degree than
non-repressors (see Derakshan et al., 2007, for a review). For instance,
relative to non-repressors, repressors avert their gaze more often from
5. The psychology of emotion regulation 141
unpleasant emotional stimuli (Haley, 1974; Olson & Zanna, 1979), and
spend less time reading negative personality feedback (Baumeister &
Cairns, 1992).
Attentional avoidance of negative stimuli among repressors has further
emerged in well-established cognitive tasks, including the emotional Stroop
task (Myers & McKenna, 1996; Newman & McKinney, 2002), the
dot-probe task (Fox, 1993), and the lexical decision task (Langens &
Mo¨rth, 2003). A sophisticated model of repressive coping is vigilance-
avoidance theory, which proposes that repressors respond to threatening
stimuli in two stages (Derakshan et al., 2007). The first stage, which is
presumably automatic and non-conscious, consists of a vigilance response
of elevated behavioural and physiological anxiety. The second stage, which
presumably involves more strategic and controlled processes, consists of
attentional avoidance and cognitive denial of anxiety.
When faced with threatening information, repressors may also increase
their attention to positive information (Boden & Baumeister, 1997; Langens
& Mo¨rth, 2003). The level of threat may determine whether repressors cope
with threats by avoiding negative information or seeking out positive
information (Langens & Mo¨rth, 2003). When threat levels are low,
repressors may avoid emotionally threatening information by shifting their
attention away from the threat. When threat levels are high, repressors may
be forced to pay a certain amount of attention to the threat and thus resort to
more effortful distraction strategies such as generating positive imagery.
Repressive coping is associated with short-term relief from emotional
distress (e.g., Boden & Baumeister, 1997). Many long-term outcomes that
are linked to repressive coping are negative. Relative to non-repressors,
repressors possess less insight into their own emotional states (Lane,
Sechrest, Riedel, Shapiro, & Kaszniak, 2000), and display intrusive
thoughts, even after initial success at thought suppression (Geraerts,
Merckelbach, Jelicic, & Smeets, 2006 ). Repressive coping is also associated
with adverse health outcomes1 (see Myers, 2000; Myers et al., 2008, for
reviews), such as heightened susceptibility to infectious disease (Jamner,
1 The literature on repressive coping has reported some positive effects on health (e.g.,
Coifman, Bonanno, Ray, & Gross, 2007). However, this research used affectiveÁautonomic
response discrepancy (AARD) as an index of repressive coping. With the AARD measure,
repressors are those who report low levels of negative affect following threat while
simultaneously displaying high levels of physiological activity, such as elevated heart rate or
skin conductance. An important problem of this index is that the underlying physiological
measures are not informative about emotional valence. Thus, high AARD scores could be
due to unreported negative emotion or unreported positive emotion. To the extent that
AARD scores are driven by unreported positive emotion, this measure may index counter-
regulation processes (Rothermund et al., 2008) rather than repressive coping. Because of this
ambiguity, the present review only considers the results for the more conventional self-report
measure of repressive coping.
142 Koole
Schwarz, & Leigh, 1988), inhibited immune function (Barger, Bachen,
Marsland, & Manuck, 2000), and increased risk for coronary heart disease,
cancer, and asthma (Weinberger, 1990).
Ever since Freud (1915/1961) introduced the notion of psychological
defence mechanisms, generations of researchers have been intrigued by the
idea that people may distort their perceptions of reality to ward off anxiety
and other types of negative emotion. In social psychology, Festinger’s
(1957) pioneering work on cognitive dissonance reduction (see Harmon-
Jones & Mills, 1999, for a recent overview) has spawned a large and
sophisticated body of research on interpretive biases (Baumeister &
Newman, 1994; Pyszczynski & Greenberg, 1987; Tesser, 2000). Among
other things, people may engage in selective criticism of threatening
information (Liberman & Chaiken, 1992), trivialise the information
(Simon, Greenberg, & Brehm, 1995), selectively forget the information
(Sedikides & Green, 2004), make self-serving attributions (Campbell &
Sedikides, 1999), inflate their self-conceptions in a non-threatened domain
(McGregor, 2006), engage in downward social comparison (Taylor &
Lobel, 1989), and derogate others (Fein & Spencer, 1997). From this list of
defences, which is far from complete, it appears that people may recruit
virtually any type of judgement for defensive purposes (Roese & Olson,
Defensive processes are mutually substitutable (Tesser, 2000), consistent
with the notion that they serve the common purpose of emotion regulation.
The emotion regulation function of defensive bias is further supported by
findings that affirming positive views of the self down-regulates negative
emotion, especially when emotion is assessed by physiological or implicit
measures (Creswell et al., 2005; Koole, Smeets, van Knippenberg, &
Dijksterhuis, 1999; Roese & Olson, 2007). In addition, defensive bias is
associated with neural activity in regions that are implicated in emotion
regulation, such as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (Westen, Kilts,
Blagov, Harenski, & Hamann, 2006). Notably, defensive bias is not
associated with activation in brain regions that support effortful self-
regulation, even though such regions are implicated in goal-oriented
emotion-regulation strategies (Ochsner & Gross, 2008).
The potential adaptiveness of defensive bias has been subject to
considerable debate. Extreme and rigid forms of defensive bias appear to
undermine psychological adjustment (Colvin & Block, 1994). Moreover,
defensive bias has been linked to the repressive coping style (Derakshan
et al., 2007), which in turn is associated with poor health outcomes (Myers,
2000; Myers et al., 2008). However, more moderate and flexible forms of
defensive bias are positively associated with mental health (Baumeister,
1989; Kunda, 1990; Taylor, Kemeny, Reed, Bower, & Gruenewald, 2000).
5. The psychology of emotion regulation 143
Bodily activities that provide immediate gratification represent a major
target for need-oriented emotion regulation. One such activity is eating.
Eating palatable food provides pleasant sensations to the mouth and
stomach, and thus can be used for need-oriented emotion regulation. Stress-
induced eating is a common emotion-regulation strategy, especially among
restrained eaters (Greeno & Wing, 1994). Chronic use of eating as an
emotion-regulation strategy may result in unhealthy behaviour patterns
such as overeating or binge eating (Heatherton & Baumeister, 1991). There
are also psychological disadvantages associated with this strategy, given
that chronic overeaters have greater difficulty identifying and making sense
of their emotional states (Whiteside et al., 2007). Notably, the emotional
profile of overeaters resembles that of repressors, suggesting that stress-
induced eating may be linked to repressive coping (cf. Derakshan et al.,
The emotion regulation effects of eating may be partly explained by
attentional processes. For instance, binge eating may down-regulate
emotional distress by focusing people’s attention on their immediate
physical sensations (Heatherton & Baumeister, 1991). However, eating
also has neuro-endocrine effects that may reduce emotional distress. For
instance, eating palatable food can stimulate the endogenous release of
opioids (Adam & Epel, 2007; Morley & Levine, 1980). Because opioids
relieve stress, this mechanism may explain why individuals engage in stress-
induced eating. Animal research has offered some support for this model:
When rats are treated with opioid antagonists, they display a marked
reduction in stress-induced eating (Hawkins, Cubic, Baumeister, & Barton,
Physical activities other than eating may also be recruited in need-
oriented emotion regulation. Potential candidates are stress-induced con-
sumption behaviours such as alcohol intake (Mohr, Brennan, Mohr,
Armeli, & Tennen, 2008; Sher & Grekin, 2007; Zack, Poulos, Fragopou-
los, Woodford, & MacLeod, 2006) and smoking (Gilbert et al., 2007).
Other bodily emotion-regulation strategies that may be at least partly need-
oriented are regular physical exercise, particularly when people have
developed exercise habits (Thayer, 1987), and stress-induced proximity
seeking, particularly among women (Taylor et al., 2000). These bodily
emotion-regulation strategies may provide immediate hedonic benefits, in
as far as they involve behaviours that can be easily and spontaneously
Need-oriented strategies regulate emotional responses to promote the
satisfaction of hedonic needs. Overall, the literature has emphasised the
144 Koole
need to minimise negative emotion over the need to maximise positive
emotion. On an attentional level, need-oriented emotion regulation may
occur through avoidance of threatening information or distraction by
positive information, tendencies that are especially prevalent among
repressive copers. On a representational level, need-oriented emotion
regulation may take the form of various interpretive biases, which may
serve anxiety-reducing functions. Finally, on a physical level, need-oriented
emotion regulation may occur through activities such as eating, physical
exercise, or proximity seeking. Regardless of whether they target attention,
knowledge representations, or the body, need-oriented strategies of
emotion regulation are associated with immediate emotional relief that
often comes at the expense of long-term well-being (Tice et al., 2001).
Goal-oriented emotion regulation
Goal-oriented emotion regulation is directed by a single verbally reportable
goal, norm, or task. There are two major ways in which goal-oriented
emotion regulation may operate. First, goal-oriented emotion regulation
may be driven by people’s beliefs about the utility of particular emotional
states. These beliefs may be influenced by verbal instructions about the
desirability of certain emotional states (e.g., Achtzinger et al., 2008; Gross,
1998a), by implicit or explicit beliefs about the utility of particular
emotional states (Tamir et al., 2007a), or by more abstract theories that
people have about emotion regulation (Tamir et al., 2007b). Second, an
ongoing goal, task, or norm may change the relevance of emotionally
charged information. Emotionally charged information that is (potentially)
relevant to the ongoing task is likely to be maintained, whereas emotionally
charged information that is irrelevant is likely to be ignored or down-
regulated (Van Dillen & Koole, 2009). Because goals, norms, or tasks may
favour various types of emotional outcomes, goal-oriented emotion
regulation may either promote or inhibit emotional states that are
hedonically rewarding.
Goals can control attention in a top-down manner (Posner & Rothbart,
2007). Accordingly, attention forms a prime target for goal-oriented
emotion-regulation strategies. Erber et al. (1996) found that people who
anticipated interacting with an unknown other attended more to materials
of the opposite emotional valence to their current mood state. Presumably,
people engaged in this form of attention regulation because it is counter-
normative to behave highly emotionally in dealing with strangers.
Importantly, social-interaction goals fostered attention to negative stimuli
when people’s initial moods were positive. As such, these studies
5. The psychology of emotion regulation 145
demonstrate that goal-oriented emotion regulation can be dissociated from
people’s hedonic needs (see Erber & Erber, 2000).
A critical factor in goal-oriented regulation of attention appears to be the
availability of distracting stimuli. Indeed, simply instructing individuals
‘‘not to think about’’ an unwanted emotion may ironically serve to heighten
the activation of this emotion (Wegner et al., 1993; Wegner & Gold, 1995).
Research on mental control (Wegner, 1994) has found that providing
people with a focused distracter (such as, ‘‘Think about a red Volkswagen’’)
greatly increases the efficiency of thought suppression attempts. Depressed
individuals seem to have particular difficulties in finding suitable distracters
(Wenzlaff, Wegner, & Roper, 1988). As such, the breakdown of self-
generation of distracters may play a key role in the persistence of depression
(Joormann & Siemer, 2004).
Given that any demanding task can divert attention, even neutral tasks
may have emotion-regulatory implications (Erber & Tesser, 1992). Indeed,
studies have shown that distraction with neutral materials can reduce
depression (Morrow & Nolen-Hoeksema, 1990; Nolen-Hoeksema &
Morrow, 1993), and anger (Gerin, Davidson, Goyal, Christenfeld, &
Schwartz, 2006; Rusting & Nolen-Hoeksema, 1998). For instance, in one
study (Nolen-Hoeksema & Morrow, 1993), focusing attention on descrip-
tions of geographic locations and objects led depressed participants to
experience reductions in depressed mood, whereas focusing on current
feeling states and personal characteristics led depressed participants to
experience increases in depressed mood.
The effects of performing a neutral task on emotion regulation may be
understood in terms of underlying working-memory processes (Van Dillen
& Koole, 2007). Emotional states spontaneously and unintentionally
activate emotion-congruent cognitions in working memory (Bower &
Mayer, 1989; Siemer, 2005). This congruent processing stream may be
interrupted when working memory is loaded with an alternative task.
Consistent with this model, tasks that draw upon working memory have
been found to be particularly effective in reducing the emotional impact of
vivid emotion-laden stimuli (Erber & Tesser, 1992; Van Dillen & Koole,
2007, 2009). Moreover, performing a working-memory task attenuates the
neural response to negative emotional stimuli (Van Dillen, Heslenfeld, &
Koole, 2008). Working-memory load can even eliminate attentional
interference of negative stimuli (Van Dillen & Koole, 2009), an effect
that has previously been regarded as automatic (Pratto & John, 1991).
The explicit goals and norms that guide goal-oriented emotion regulation
are encoded in a linguistic format (Ochsner & Gross, 2005, 2008). Goal-
oriented emotion regulation is therefore highly compatible with linguistic
appraisal processes. During cognitive reappraisal, people reduce the
146 Koole
emotional impact of an event by changing their subjective evaluations of
this event (Gross, 1998a,b, 2001). Cognitive reappraisal may take the form
of: (a) reinterpreting situational or contextual aspects of stimuli (e.g.,
imagining a potentially upsetting image is fake); or (b) distancing oneself
from stimuli by adopting a detached, third-person perspective (Ochsner &
Gross, 2008). Cognitive reappraisal can inhibit the experience of unwanted
emotions, although it does not consistently decrease psycho-physiological
arousal (Gross, 1998a; Steptoe & Vogele, 1986). The strategy draws upon
working-memory resources (Schmeichel, Volokhov, & Demaree, 2008),
but is relatively efficient in that it does not impair people’s memory for
ongoing social interactions (Richards & Gross, 2000).
Reappraisal processes have been intensely researched in neuroimaging
studies (e.g., Beauregard, Levesque, & Bourgouin, 2001; Ochsner, Bunge,
Gross, & Gabrieli, 2002; see Ochsner & Gross, 2005, 2008, for reviews).
These studies have shown consistently that cognitive reappraisal inhibits
activation in emotional regions, including the amygdalae and insula, and
increases activation in dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and prefrontal
cortex, regions that support working memory, language, and long-term
memory. During reappraisal, emotional regions of the brain may become
inversely coupled to the activation of specific regions in the prefrontal
cortex (Urry et al., 2006). These findings are consistent with the idea that
reappraisal triggers top-down control of emotion-generating systems.
Notably, reappraisal activates some of the same brain regions as tasks
involving top-down attention control (Ochsner et al., 2002), and the effects
of reappraisal are partly explained by shifts in visual attention away from
emotion-eliciting stimuli (Van Reekum et al., 2007). Some reappraisal
processes may thus be driven by attentional mechanisms rather than
changes in knowledge representations.
The verbal processes that mediate goal-oriented emotion regulation have
limited access to embodied emotion processes (Loewenstein, 1996;
Nordgren, van der Pligt, & van Harreveld, 2006). Accordingly, goal-
oriented emotion regulation may resort to more indirect ways of regulating
the body. Goal-oriented control of the body is typically focused on outward
bodily manifestations of emotion, such as facial expressions or overt
movements and bodily postures, because these are under the control of
explicit norms and goals.
One goal-oriented strategy of emotion regulation that targets the body is
expressive suppression (Gross, 1998a,b, 2001). In this strategy, people
actively inhibit their emotional expressions. For example, an individual
might try to keep a straight face while telling a lie. Expressive suppression
has been found to draw upon working-memory resources (Schmeichel
et al., 2008), to interfere with people’s memory of ongoing social
5. The psychology of emotion regulation 147
interactions (Richards & Gross, 2000), and increase sympathetic control of
the heart (Demaree et al., 2006). Despite its effortful nature, expressive
suppression does little to prevent the experience of unwanted emotions,
even when it effectively inhibits bodily expressions of emotion (Gross,
1998a; Schmeichel et al., 2008).
The foregoing suggests that expressive suppression may often create a
discrepancy between inner experience and outer expression, a condition
that may arouse ‘‘expressive dissonance’’ (Robinson & Demaree, 2007).
Indeed, individuals who chronically use expressive suppression report a
sense of being inauthentic or ‘‘fake’’ in their social relationships (Gross &
John, 2003). These alienating effects may be part of the reason why chronic
expressive suppression is linked to low emotional well-being (Gross &
John, 2003). Notably, the negative effects of expression suppression may be
specific to members of Western cultures (Butler, Lee, & Gross, 2007).
Whereas Western cultures traditionally value open emotion expression,
Asian cultures traditionally value emotional restraint (Frijda & Sundarar-
ajan, 2007). Consequently, expressive suppression may be perceived as less
negative by individuals with Asian cultural values. Consistent with this,
recent work has shown that, among individuals with Asian cultural values,
expressive suppression is associated with neither increased negative
emotion nor reduced social responsiveness (Butler et al., 2007).
Given the difficulties of expressive suppression (at least, among members
of Western cultures), goal-oriented regulation processes may try to redirect
bodily emotion responses rather than eliminating them altogether. For
instance, people may engage in response exaggeration, by deliberately
exaggerating their responses to an emotional stimulus (Schmeichel et al.,
2006). Another redirection strategy is venting, an emotion-regulation
process in which people intentionally give free reign to their emotional
impulses (Breuer & Freud, 1893Á1895/1955; see Bushman et al., 2001).
Venting is a popular strategy in controlling anger and aggression (Bushman
et al., 2001). On the surface, venting seems to be the opposite of expressive
suppression. Nevertheless, venting is a goal-driven strategy to regulate
bodily expressions of emotion, just as expressive suppression (Bushman
et al., 2001). Although venting is widely advertised, research indicates that
venting anger actually increases anger and aggression (Geen & Quanty,
1977). Presumably, venting adds fuel to the flame by heightening the
activation of angry thoughts and action tendencies (Bushman, 2002), which
in turn promote angry emotion and behaviour.
Goal-oriented strategies of emotion regulation are driven by a single
explicit goal, task, or norm. Some of the most effective goal-oriented
strategies direct attention away from stimuli that could trigger unwanted
emotions. Effortful tasks that draw upon working memory resources have
148 Koole
been found to be particularly potent distracters. Other relatively effective
goal-oriented strategies use cognitive reappraisal, a process that modifies
the emotional impact of events by changing people’s assessments of these
events. Some of the least effective goal-oriented strategies target bodily
expressions of emotion, through processes such as expressive suppression,
response exaggeration, or venting. Overall, in the domain of goal-oriented
emotion regulation, cognitive strategies appear to be more effective than
bodily strategies.
Person-oriented emotion regulation
Person-oriented emotion regulation maintains the integrity of the overall
personality system, which consists of the entirety of a person’s needs, goals,
motives, and other self-aspects. A first signature of person-oriented emotion
regulation is its holistic focus. Whereas need-oriented and goal-oriented
emotion regulation focus on aspects of emotional or task-related function-
ing, person-oriented emotion regulation is geared to the functioning of the
whole person. A second signature of person-oriented emotion regulation is
contextual sensitivity, which is expressed in the ability to alternate between
different motivational, cognitive, or affective subsystems in a context-
appropriate manner (Rothermund et al., 2008). A third signature of person-
oriented emotion regulation is integration, which is manifested in the co-
ordinated functioning of personality systems that are traditionally regarded
as antagonistic, such as positive versus negative emotions, body versus
mind, passion versus reason, and top-down versus bottom-up processing.
An important pattern in the person-oriented regulation of attention is the
counter-regulation principle (Rothermund et al., 2008). According to this
principle, people are equipped with attentional biases that prevent the
perseveration of current motivational or emotional states. Attentional
counter-regulation presumably helps to restore a balanced receptiveness to
positive and negative information despite currently active affective-
motivational states. Counter-regulation thus fosters contextual sensitivity,
an important signature of person-oriented emotion regulation.
Counter-regulation processes are indirectly supported by many studies
showing that positive and negative events tend to have only short-term
consequences for people’s emotional states (e.g., Gilbert, Lieberman,
Morewedge, &Wilson, 2004). In addition, controlled experimental studies
have confirmed the existence of attentional biases in the opposite direction
as people’s current emotional-motivational states (Derryberry, 1993;
Rothermund et al., 2008; Tugade & Frederickson, 2004). Depending on the
context, attentional counter-regulation may inhibit either positive or negative
emotion (Rothermund et al., 2008). Accordingly, counter-regulation is
5. The psychology of emotion regulation 149
distinct from need-oriented emotion regulation. Consistent with its global
adaptive functions, attentional counter-regulation is most pronounced
among individuals disposed towards flexible action control (Jostmann
et al., 2005; Koole & Coenen, 2007; Koole & Jostmann, 2004), and largely
absent among individuals suffering from chronic anxiety, phobia, or
dysphoria (Mathews & MacLeod, 2005).
Person-oriented regulation of attention may be stimulated by activities
such as meditation (Cahn & Polich, 2006) and mindfulness training (Brown
et al., 2007). Meditation refers to practices that ‘‘self-regulate the body and
mind, thereby affecting mental events by engaging in a specific attentional
set’’ (Cahn & Polich, 2006, p. 180). Mindfulness training evolved out of
certain meditative practices, and encourages people to engage in a mere
noticing of their internal and external experiences in an objective manner,
without the biasing influence of pre-existing cognitive schemas (Brown
et al., 2007). Meditation and mindfulness training both foster emotion-
regulation abilities (see Brown et al., 2007; Cahn & Polich, 2006, for
reviews). The mechanisms that underlie meditation and mindfulness
training are incompletely understood. Nevertheless, both practices promote
personality integration, as indicated by greater neurological synchronisa-
tion (Cahn & Polich, 2006) and increased congruence between implicit and
explicit self-aspects (Brown & Ryan, 2003; Koole, Govorun, & Cheng,
2008). The latter findings fit with the involvement of person-oriented
emotion regulation.
Common sense has long held that people may overcome traumatic
experiences by ‘‘putting their feelings in perspective’’ or ‘‘working through’’
their emotions. These metaphors appear to describe cognitive integration
processes, in which emotionally charged information becomes incorporated
into larger networks of the person’s experiences. Though initially painful,
cognitive integration processes may eventually down-regulate unwanted
emotions and create the conditions for personal growth (Baumann & Kuhl,
2002; Kuhl, 2000). Integration of aversive emotional experiences thus
represents an important form of person-oriented emotion regulation.
Expressive writing is one activity that may foster integration of
emotional experiences. Studies have shown that expressive writing down-
regulates emotional distress and improves both physical and psychological
health (Pennebaker, 1997; Pennebaker & Chung, 2007). These beneficial
effects may arise because expressive writing helps to turn initially disturbing
emotional experiences into coherent narratives (Smyth, True, & Souto,
2001), which down-regulates emotional distress and promotes insight into
the self and one’s emotions (Klein & Boals, 2001; Pennebaker, Mayne, &
Francis, 1997).
150 Koole
Once emotion-relevant knowledge has been acquired, this knowledge
may assist in subsequent emotion-regulation efforts. Specifically, as
people’s emotion knowledge becomes broader and more differentiated,
new emotional experiences may be incorporated more easily into their
existing cognitive schema (Kuhl, 2000). Individuals who possess relatively
differentiated knowledge of self and emotion indeed display more efficient
emotion regulation, both in childhood (Diamond & Aspinwall, 2003) and
adulthood (Barrett, Gross, Conner, & Benvenuto, 2001; Linville, 1985,
1987; Rafaeli-Mor & Steinberg, 2002). Autobiographical knowledge about
the self and emotion may thus form an extended memory system that
allows people to down-regulate unwanted emotions (Kuhl, 2000; Philippot
et al., 2004).
People may access the emotion-regulatory functions of the autobiogra-
phical memory system whenever they process the specific details of an
emotional experience. Indeed, imagining the distinctive details of emotional
memories, rather than their general aspects, reduces the emotional intensity
of these memories (Neumann & Philippot, 2007). Furthermore, deficits in
emotion regulation, such as chronic depression and ruminative thinking,
are associated with reduced specificity of autobiographical memory
(Williams et al., 2007). Experimental studies have shown that concrete,
experiential thoughts (e.g., ‘‘How did you feel moment by moment?’’),
relative to abstract, attributional thoughts (e.g., ‘‘Why did you feel this
way?’’), lead to faster recovery from a negative emotion (Moberly &
Watkins, 2006; Watkins, 2004). Concrete rather than abstract processing
of emotional experience also leads to global improvements in cognitive
flexibility (Watkins & Moulds, 2005), consistent with the person-oriented
functions of this type of emotion regulation.
In regulating bodily expressions of emotion, person-oriented emotion
regulation seeks to forge a mutual exchange between higher mental
processes and peripherally mediated emotion responses. Throughout this
exchange, mind and body are equally important, and each system is
allowed to express its natural tendencies. It is noteworthy that meditation
(Cahn & Polich, 2006) and mindfulness training (Brown et al., 2007),
which are often regarded as attentional strategies of emotion regulation,
typically include bodily activities such as breathing and relaxation
exercises. This dual focus on mind and body fits with the holistic
orientation of systematic emotion regulation.
One bodily activity that may foster person-oriented emotion regulation
relies on the voluntary control of breath. Some forms of controlled breathing
may facilitate emotion regulation, in that specific breathing patterns are
associated with general mood and distinct emotions (Boiten, Frijda, &
Wientjes, 1994). Indeed, voluntarily engaging in specific breathing patterns
5. The psychology of emotion regulation 151
can selectively activate specific emotional states (Philippot, Chapelle, &
Blairy, 2002) and reduce emotional distress (Franck, Schäfer, Stiels,
Wasserman, & Hermann, 1994; Meuret, Wilhelm, & Roth, 2001). The
effects of controlled breathing involve both bottom-up processes, such as
respiratory feedback (Philippot et al., 2002), and top-down processes, given
that attention to one’s own respiratory rhythms enhances the emotion-
regulation effects of controlled breathing (Arch & Craske, 2006; Clark &
Hirschman, 1990; Zeier, 1984). This co-ordinated interplay of top-down
and bottom-up functions fits with the integrative aspects of person-oriented
emotion regulation.
Another bodily activity that may foster person-oriented emotion regula-
tion relies on muscle relaxation (Esch et al., 2003). Much research has used
Jacobson’s (1928) classic technique of progressive muscle relaxation. In this
technique, people successively tense and relax their muscle groups in
different parts of the body. Experimental studies have shown that progressive
muscle relaxation down-regulates state anxiety and perceived stress (Pawlow
& Jones, 2002; Rankin, Gilner, Gfeller, & Katz, 1993; Rausch, Gramling, &
Auerbach, 2006). Progressive muscle relaxation further reduces heart rate
and salivary cortisol (Pawlow & Jones, 2002) and stress-related disease
(Carlson & Hoyle, 1993; Esch et al., 2003). Consistent with the involvement
of high-level processes in progressive muscle relaxation, the technique is most
effective when it is combined with attention to muscle sensations (Borkovec
& Hennings, 1978) or biofeedback (Lehrer, 1982).
Person-oriented strategies of emotion regulation promote the overall
functioning of the personality system. Some person-oriented emotion-
regulation strategies rely on counter-regulation, a process that directs
attention to information that is of opposite valence to people’s current
emotional state. Alternatively, person-oriented emotion regulation may
foster cognitive integration of unwanted emotional experiences, through
activities such as expressive writing. Over time, integration of emotional
experiences may give rise to an extensive autobiographical knowledge base,
and accessing this knowledge base may further stimulate person-oriented
emotion regulation. Bodily forms of person-oriented emotion regulation
involve such activities as controlled breathing and progressive muscle
relaxation. Person-oriented emotion regulation is associated with long-term
benefits, regardless of whether it targets attention, knowledge, or the body.
The present article has reviewed contemporary insights and findings on the
psychology of emotion regulation. Emotion regulation was defined as the
152 Koole
set of processes whereby people seek to redirect the spontaneous flow of
their emotions. In a broad sense, emotion regulation refers to the set of
processes whereby people manage all of their emotionally charged states,
including specific emotions, affect, mood, and stress. Emotion regulation
determines how easily people can leave a given emotional state. It can thus
be distinguished from emotional sensitivity, which determines how easily
people can enter an emotional state.
Presently, there exists no consensual and empirically validated taxon-
omy of emotion-regulation strategies. Nevertheless, researchers have
identified several higher-order categories that could lay the foundation
for such a taxonomy. The most viable higher-order categories for
classifying emotion-regulation strategies are currently the emotion-gener-
ating systems that are targeted in emotion regulation (Gross, 1998a,b,
2001) and the psychological functions of emotion regulation. Among the
chief targets of emotion regulation are attention, cognitive emotion-
relevant knowledge, and bodily manifestations of emotion. Among the
major psychological functions of emotion regulation are the satisfaction of
hedonic needs, supporting goal pursuits, and maintenance of the global
personality system.
A dual classification in terms of targets and functions was found to be
helpful in organising the literature on emotion-regulation strategies. Need-
oriented emotion regulation includes strategies of: (a) turning attention
away from negative information or towards positive information; (b)
interpretative biases; and (c) bodily activities such as binge eating or
smoking. Goal-oriented emotion regulation includes strategies of: (a)
distraction through cognitive load; (b) cognitive reappraisal; and (c) bodily
activities such as expressive suppression, response exaggeration, and
venting. Finally, person-oriented emotion regulation includes strategies
of: (a) attentional counter-regulation; (b) cognitive activities such as
expressive writing or accessing autobiographical memories; and (c) bodily
activities such as controlled breathing and progressive muscle relaxation.
There is consistent empirical support for each of these strategies, though
more work remains necessary to fully understand their underlying
The hypothesis that cognitive strategies are more effective than bodily
strategies of emotion regulation (Gross, 1998a,b, 2001) was only partly
supported. With respect to goal-oriented emotion regulation, attentional
and reappraisal strategies indeed appear to have an edge over bodily
strategies such as expressive suppression or venting. However, the picture is
different with respect to need- and person-oriented emotion regulation. In
the domain of need-oriented emotion regulation, cognitive strategies appear
to be relatively ineffective, especially in the long run. For instance,
attentional avoidance of threatening information among repressors is
associated with intrusive thoughts and poor health outcomes (Geraerts
et al., 2006; Myers, 2000). Conversely, in the domain of person-oriented
5. The psychology of emotion regulation 153
emotion regulation, bodily strategies appear to be relatively effective. For
instance, progressive muscle relaxation effectively down-regulates stress
and stress-related disease (Pawlow & Jones, 2002; Esch et al., 2003). Taken
together, the advantage of cognitive over bodily strategies of emotion
regulation appears to be specific to goal-oriented emotion regulation and
does not apply across all known emotion-regulation strategies.
Because emotions are fundamentally embodied (Niedenthal, 2007), all
emotion-regulation processes must ultimately interface with bodily func-
tions. Nevertheless, only few studies to date have systematically addressed
the physiology of emotion regulation. One intriguing line of work suggests
an important role for cardiac vagal tone in emotion regulation (Appelhans
& Luecken, 2006; Porges, 2007; Thayer & Lane, 2000, 2007). The vagal
nerve may function as an active brake on heart rate that puts the individual
into a calm emotional state. In emotion regulation, vagal tone may be
dynamically controlled in a top-down manner by cortical systems (Porges,
Doussard-Roosevelt, & Maita, 1994; Thayer & Lane, 2000, 2007).
Identifying mechanisms such as vagal tone will be of key significance in
relating the physiology of emotion regulation to its cognitive and
neurological manifestations.
At a general level, the present article attests to the considerable growth
and vitality of modern research on emotion regulation. There is good
reason to believe that emotion regulation research will continue to
flourish, given the growing recognition that emotion regulation plays a
major role in physical and psychological well-being, combined with the
development of ever more powerful methods of investigation. One
particularly exciting set of recent discoveries has been that emotion-
regulatory competencies are susceptible to social learning experiences (see
also Butler et al., 2007). Indeed, emotion-regulatory competencies may be
improved through directed exercises (Brown et al., 2007; Dandeneau
et al., 2007; Serrano, Latorre, Gatz, & Montan˜és, 2004) and may
continue to develop even into old age (Carstensen et al., 2003). Studying
the social-cognitive processes that allow people to improve their compe-
tencies in emotion regulation is likely to generate important new insights
into the nature of emotion regulation. Moreover, such investigations may
eventually lead to better interventions for improving emotion-regulatory
Some might fear that boosting people’s capacity for emotion regulation
will inevitably narrow emotional experience. In fact, research suggests just
the opposite. Drawing from Chinese poetics and Confucian philosophy,
Frijda and Sundararajan (2007) described how emotional restraint con-
tributes to a deeper and more differentiated appreciation of one’s emotions.
In line with this, empirical evidence indicates that individuals with high
emotion-regulation competencies are characterised by greater self-reflex-
ivity and a more profound awareness of their emotions (Barrett et al., 2001;
Brown et al., 2007). People’s emotional lives are thus likely to become
154 Koole
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Correspondence should be addressed to: Sander Koole, Department of Social Psychology, Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam, van der Boechorststraat 1, NL-1081 BT, Amsterdam, the Nether-
lands. E-mail:
The author would like to thank Jan De Houwer, Daniel Fockenberg, Miguel Kazén, Julius
Kuhl, Klaus Rothermund, Hester Ruigendijk, Markus Quirin, Lotte van Dillen, and two
anonymous reviewers for their insightful feedback on a previous version of this paper.
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