Cannabis Indica

How this document has been cited

We also recognize that the result in this case would probably be different if the plea bargain had expressly provided that the defendant's statements to the probation officer would be admissible against her
- in People v. Scheller, 2006 and 4 similar citations
—defendant's failure to fulfill terms of plea agreement allowed Government to use grand jury testimony in later prosecution
- in United States v. Castelbuono, 1986 and one similar citation
Despite its lack of a consistent rationale, Byers is the authority on which reporting statutes consistently are upheld.
- in The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology and 2 similar citations
Following the Supreme Court's lead, lower courts have applied the required records doctrine in a variety of contexts
The decision whether to allow joinder of criminal defendants is a matter within the Court's discretion.
- in United States v. Sciandra, 1981 and one similar citation
The federal statutory protection of statements made during plea or immunity negotiations15'does not apply to statements made after an agreement is reached if there is a subsequent breach
- in Agreements for cooperation in criminal cases and one similar citation
A non-recourse clause normally is intended to reduce the risks to the party granting the security interest if the secured party is later forced to foreclose on the security.
- in Matter of Vintero Corp., 1984 and 2 similar citations
To the extent that any reliance on counsel must be predicated on a full accounting of the facts to counsel by defendants, it is no defense that counsel failed to discover any proof of wrongdoing
- in Securities fraud and 2 similar citations
—finding that where an individual has chosen to engage in a lawful activity in an unlawful manner, the unlawfulness cannot be used to excuse that party from regulatory disclosure requirements, even though such disclosure could lead to criminal prosecution
"The burden is upon a moving defendant to show facts demonstrating that he will be so severely prejudiced by a joint trial that it would in effect deny him a fair trial."
- in US v. Taft, 1991 and 2 similar citations

Cited by

839 NW 2d 129 - Wis: Court of Appeals 2013
B Schwartz… - 2022
GN Herman - 2012
677 F. Supp. 2d 684 - Dist. Court, SD New York 2009
BF McNeil - 2007
891 A. 2d 312 - Md: Court of Appeals 2006
39 Cal. Rptr. 3d 447 - Cal: Court of Appeal, 4th Appellate Dist., 2nd Div. 2006

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