Cannabis Indica

How this document has been cited

Lord Hardwicke is reported to have said, upon the act of 8 Anne, c. 19,'the clause of registering with the Stationers Company, is relative to the penalty, and the property cannot vest without such entry,'for the words are,'that nothing in this act shall be construed to subject any bookseller, &c. to the forfeitures, &c. by reason of printing any book, &c. unless the title to the copy …
But this must not be carried so far as to restrain persons from making a real and fair abridgment; for abridgments may, with great propriety, be called a new book, because not only the paper and print, but the invention, learning, and judgment of the author is shewn in them, and in many cases are extremely useful, though in some instances prejudicial, by mistaking and …
- in Maxtone-Graham v. Burtchaell, 1986 and 42 similar citations
—asking the Court to resolve the narrow question whether a shortened work could be considered a new work
- in Google Llc v. Oracle America, Inc., 2021 and 32 similar citations
That Charles Esenwein or his firm was a necessary party to the bill, and that the failure to make him such party is a fatal defect.
- in Warner v. Martin, 1851 and 33 similar citations
The fundamental doctrine as involved in the case before me is, "when a will is to be established, the testator must be proved to be of sound and disposing mind."
- in Georgia Reports, Charlton-65 Georgia and 33 similar citations
The Court of Appeals say, that,'as a county, she stands to the state in the relation of a child to a parent;'and this would furnish consideration enough.
Thus, in an abridgement case of 1740, the Lord Chancellor found that the question was "[w] hether this book of theNew Crown Law, which the defendant has published, is the same with Sir Matthew Hale's..., the copy of which is now the property of the plaintiff," and concluded that "[w] here books are colourably shortened only, they are undoubtedly within the meaning of …
—a trust never results, except where all the money is paid by one person, is, that where the joint advance is in conformity with an agreement of purchase a trust will result.
- in Oliver v. Piatt, 1845 and 32 similar citations
F. 49S Such as to A. for life, remainder to the heirs of her body, and their executors, administrators, and assigns.
- in An Analysis, Arranged to Serve Also As a Compendious Digested Index and 28 similar citations
—the plaintiff was in ventre sa mere at the time of her brother' s death, and consequently a person in rerum natura, so that both by the rules of the common and civil law, she was, to all intents and purposes, a child, as much as if born in the father' s lifetime

Cited by

803 F. 2d 1253 - Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 1986
265 US 388 - Supreme Court 1924
165 US 28 - Supreme Court 1897
141 S. Ct. 1183 - Supreme Court 2021
802 F. Supp. 1 - Dist. Court, SD New York 1992
745 F. Supp. 130 - Dist. Court, SD New York 1990
727 SW 2d 503 - Tex: Supreme Court 1987
631 F. 2d 1069 - Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit 1980
403 F. Supp. 397 - Dist. Court, D. New Jersey 1975
285 NE 2d 265 - Ind: Supreme Court 1972

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