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How this document has been cited

Second, a joint trial prevents the delay associated with separate, successive trials, thus serving the interests of "both the government and the accused."
- in United States v. Santoro, 1986 and 5 similar citations
To come within Rule 801 (d)(1)(B), the prior consistent statement need not be proffered through the testimony of the declarant but may be proffered through any witness who has first-hand knowledge of the statement.
- in US v. CARACAPPA, 2010 and 2 similar citations
Nevertheless, in a case decided before, and referred to in Maultasch, the court permitted the introduction of a prior consistent statement though a third party witness.
- in Brigham Young University Law Review and 2 similar citations
The government also correctly identified "misnomers or typographical errors" as the frequent and appropriate subject of prosecutorial and judicial amendments.(See id
- in US v. Alcorta, 2015 and 2 similar citations
Thus, they have declined to enforce the requirement that the declarant be subject to cross-examination concerning the statement.
As is to be expected, in determining admissibility trial courts are afforded a good deal of latitude in weighing, in light of the totality of the circum-stances, the corroborative value of the prior consistent statement and trial concerns
When a court upheld consistent rulings one way, a dissenter called for "a closer scrutiny of the record."
- in Administrative law treatise and one similar citation
—government had to prove extorted illegal payments in order to establish income that had gone unreported
- in United States v. Halper, 1978 and one similar citation
Furthermore, a single trial will eliminate the delay occasioned by separate trials, serving the interests of the public, the government, and the defendants in a speedy trial.

Cited by

Dist. Court, WD New York 2021
Dist. Court, WD New York 2020
145 F. Supp. 3d 357 - Dist. Court, MD Pennsylvania 2015
Dist. Court, MD Pennsylvania 2015
614 F. 3d 30 - Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 2010
Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 2010
LA Campagna - Tul. L. Sch. Ann. Inst. on Fed. Tax'n 20-, 2011
MM Franckiewicz - (No Title), 2009

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