Cannabis Indica

How this document has been cited

—mail covers, ie the recording by postal employees of the outsides of first-class envelops and sometimes the insides of lower-class mail addressed to a given person, falls outside the coverage of the fourth amendment
Justice Stewart and several lower federal courts have noted that there is no "general constitutional right of privacy
- in University of Puget Sound Law Review and 2 similar citations
—recognizing Paton, but holding warrantless use of “mail covers” (inspecting and recording the outside of envelopes sent through the mail) does not violate the Fourth Amendment
The Fifth Circuit, following the definitional style of section 1961 (4), has held that the definition includes "'any... group of individuals' whose association, however loose or informal, furnishes a vehicle for the commission of two or more predicate crimes
No judicial officer is involved in any stage of the proceedings, and records are kept by the Postal Service only.
Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan-Invisible Empire Inc; Horace King; Arthur A. Haley; Hubert "Herbert" L. Rowell; Timothy A. Welch; and Gary C. Cox, In the Court of Common Pleas for the third Judicial Circuit, Second Amended Complaint, Civil Action No. 96-CP-14-217, Dec. 29, 1997.
If the interest is imperfect, as in the case of an automobile, or is penetrated by even minimal voluntary exposure, 26s at least some element of fourth amendment protection is sacrificed, regardless of whether the interest is in information or property
—users of the postal system have no meaningful expectation of privacy concerning the information on the outside of the envelopes they send or receive
- in Covert Searches and 2 similar citations
—mail cover furnishing information on face of packages or envelopes does not violate a recipient's fourth amendment rights
"It is the moral and ethical obligation of the bar to make representation available to the public.(See, Canon 2, Code of Professional Responsibility, 220 Kan. cx.) Quite often, fulfillment of that obligation involves the representation of a client, particularly a criminal defendant, for little or no remuneration. Enactment of KSA 22-4501, et seq., has served to relieve some of the …
- in State ex rel. Stephan v. Smith, 1987 and 2 similar citations

Cited by

[CITATION] The Constitutional Party Right of Informational Privacy: Does it Protect …
GJ Heaney -
C Nemeth - 2011
I Point… - 2005
SA Berson - 2001

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