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How this document has been cited

Nor did he challenge the venue in Count One on the motion for a judgment of acquittal. This constitutes a waiver.
- in United States v. King, 1977 and 3 similar citations
The rule in this circuit is that a venue objection is waived " `when, after the government has concluded its case, the defendant specifies grounds for acquittal but is silent as to venue
- in United States v. Vinieris, 1985 and 2 similar citations
Objections to venue are waived when statements of a prosecutor clearly indicate a venue defect but the defendant fails to object.
- in US v. MACEBO-SANTIAGO, 1995 and 2 similar citations
Since we have refused the government's request, on recent occasions, to abandon or modify the standing principles articulated in Jones with respect to "possession" offenses
- in United States v. Mapp, 1973 and one similar citation
—the Labor Board indicated that a contractor could become an ally of a primary employer by “unknowingly "performing struck work for it. An employer has" the burden of determining whether or not it is engaged in neutral or ally type work. "Here, the contractor was hired directly by the primary employer, and had reason to know the latter was involved in a strike. 3. Where …
- in Labor relations law: cases and materials and one similar citation
We note, however, that there is precedent for a defendant to plead guilty after jury selection and later testify against his co-defendants without cause for a mistrial.
- in US v. Phillips, 1989 and one similar citation
Preliminarily, there is a real question whether defendant adequately raised the issue below; if he did not, the argument is waived.
- in United States v. Gilboe, 1982 and one similar citation
Thus Jones developed a rule, known as "automatic standing", that the mere charge of a defendant with a possessory offense conferred standing to assert an alleged Fourth Amendment violation.
- in Com. v. Sell, 1983 and one similar citation
Since the defect was apparent on the face of the indictment, Khan's failure to object prior to trial constituted a waiver of the lack of venue.
- in US v. Khan, 1987 and one similar citation
Appellant, charged with possession of the goods found during the search, has standing to challenge the search and seizure.
- in United States v. Gargiso, 1972 and one similar citation

Cited by

Dist. Court, ED New York 2010
TJ St Antoine… - (No Title), 1999
879 F. Supp. 1341 - Dist. Court, D. South Carolina 1995
886 F. Supp. 372 - Dist. Court, SD New York 1995
13 F. 3d 595 - Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 1994
LS Merrifield… - (No Title), 1994
784 F. Supp. 6 - Dist. Court, ED New York 1991
874 F. 2d 123 - Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit 1989

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