Cannabis Indica

How this document has been cited

—which were strongly relied upon by the plaintiff, contain expressions indicating rights possibly broad enough to sustain the injunction in the case at bar; but both cases involve elements of'passing off.'
- in Internat'l News Serv. v. Asso. Press, 1918 and 3 similar citations
Nor has the defendant the right to sell dust bags and name plates bearing plaintiff's registered trade-marks to others engaged in reconstructing vacuum cleaners.
- in Electric Vacuum Cleaner Co. v. Green, 1941 and 3 similar citations
Aside from the instances proved of the labels having became detached, their liability to become detached is so great as not to afford protection even if their permanency would be a protection.
- in The Trade-mark Reporter and one similar citation
—a generic name descriptive of or to designate the particular style of its gas package manufactured under the license from the owner of letters patent, for the reason that it was neither the owner nor a general licensee of the patent, but that its license was limited both as to territory and as to the use to which the gas manufactured and so prepared by it should be applied …
- in The Trade-mark Reporter and one similar citation
A distributor licensed to sell a trademarked product may decide to sell another product in the trademarked containers in which he received the trademarked product from his supplier
Injunction will not be denied because offender concealed original trade-mark of a container by a fresh label.

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