Cannabis Indica

Trinity Cookis, Paul Sauer, Simon Poepsel, Bong-Gyoon Han, Dominik A Herbst, Robert Glaeser, Eva Nogales
Publication date
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)
Streptavidin affinity grids provide strategies to overcome many commonly encountered cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) sample preparation challenges, including sample denaturation and preferential orientations that can occur due to the air-water interface. Streptavidin affinity grids, however, are currently utilized by few cryo-EM labs because they are not commercially available and require a careful fabrication process. Two-dimensional streptavidin crystals are grown onto a biotinylated lipid monolayer that is applied directly to standard holey-carbon cryo-EM grids. The high-affinity interaction between streptavidin and biotin allows for the subsequent binding of biotinylated samples that are protected from the air-water interface during cryo-EM sample preparation. Additionally, these grids provide a strategy for concentrating samples available in limited quantities and purifying protein complexes of interest directly …
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Scholar articles
T Cookis, P Sauer, S Poepsel, BG Han, DA Herbst… - JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), 2023

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