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György Lépes (1375 – 18 March 1442, Marosszentimre) was a Transylvanian Catholic Bishop. 


Lépes was born in what is now Arad County to a noble family. He was the provost of Transylvania between 1403 and 1417, and was bishop from 1427 to 1442. In 1436, he was an inquisitor against the spread of James of the Marches and part of the Hussite movement. In 1437, the Budai Nagy Antal revolt broke out because of regulations. Lépes ordered the serfs to replace the new tithe money, and wanted to oblige the Orthodox Romanians to tithe. The 1438 uprising was brutally crushed by the nobles, and the three estate nations (Hungarian, Szekler, and Saxon) concluded the chapel union. Lépes, in 1442, fought against the Turks at Sântimbru battle, and was killed.

Further Reading

  • Bokor József (szerk.). Lépes, A Pallas nagy lexikona. Arcanum: FolioNET. ISBN 963 85923 2 X (1893–1897, 1998.). Hozzáférés ideje: 2009. szeptember 27. 


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