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A Cyber-Knight is a character class in the Rifts role-playing game. A Cyber-Knight is a warrior with psionic powers. Cyber-Knights were greatly inspired by the Jedi from Star Wars, and they use a psi-power (psychic power) to create a sword out of thin air, similar to a lightsaber. Some fans have also suggested the Cyber-Knights were inspired by the characters depicted in the animated film Starchaser: The Legend of Orin, where a young boy joins an order of knights with psionic powers and creates an energy sword from his hands.


As Cyber-Knights mature they can make better-looking weapons--the first weapon they create looks like an unadorned shaft of light, but as they grow in experience they can create more conventional-looking swords or even alternative melee weapons such as sickles or kama, axes, spears, etc. They also gain the ability to change the color of the sword. They also have a living cybernetic skin that gives them their name. It heals, grows, and dies with them.Other developed powers include gaining the ability to cloud sensors, anticipate the motions and attacks of technological enemies, living without food or water, becoming immune to fear, and instilling fear in others. For travel, a Cyber-Knight will commonly ride horse-back or on motorcycles, adding to the pseudo-modern environment prevalent in Rifts. Also, Cyber-Knights as an organization mandate that their members have Cyber-Armor, a form of subdermal armor, implanted. As the Cyber-Knight's skills develop, this armor becomes part of their body. The whole of the Cyber-Knight edifice of knowledge is called Zen Combat and is a very mystical set of martial arts and principles. The Cyber-Knight's Psi-Sword is quite different from most psychic powers in that it is effectively costless and is a manifestation of the body's mystical energies to a sublime degree.


The duty of a Cyber-Knight is to help the weak and ask for little in return (mainly a meal and place to sleep). Their origins are not entirely known, but it is believed that they appeared in the late 80 P.A. (post apocalypse). They can be of any race, as long as they meet the requirements of the Cyber-Knight code of honor. The way of becoming a Cyber-Knight is difficult, and some do not make it. But those who do not make it often still follow the code of the Cyber-Knights. The leader of the Cyber-Knights is Lord Coake. It is considered lucky to even see him, as he leads a reclusive life away from the remnants of civilization; thus, most of his orders are executed by his protege, Lord Ray Lorr. Due to the harshness of their way of life, many Cyber-Knights never make it to retirement age, but those who do usually become hermits, and teach other Cyber-Knights who seek them out. During the course of their lifetime a Cyber-Knight must teach another in order to pass on their knowledge. A Cyber-Knight will also experience at least one significant dream sequence during their life. The time the dream will come, or what it means, is entirely up to the game master.


Lord Coake founded the Organization of Cyber-Knights after coming to Rifts Earth as an adventurer. Coake was once a member of the Defilers, an organization of heroes that are hinted to come from the Palladium Fantasy world. After defeating a demon lord in Wyoming, Coake found that he was attracting followers and allies. In order to give this growing coalition direction and purpose, he turned to what he knew: Knightly honor and principles of nobility, melee combat (though Cyber-Knights are also skilled gunmen and military experts and routinely know modern tactics, demolition, etc.) and swordplay, and so on. Helped by a Chiang-Ku friend, Azure Sky, the Cyber-Knights developed the modern style of Zen Combat, which was filled with knowledge of traditional martial arts including Chi manipulation. The Organization is not structured in any traditional sense. Lord Coake may make mandates and the majority usually follow them, but the Knights are too far flung to have anything but a brotherhood and ties of purpose and interest. Cyber-Knights as a whole rarely congregate. There are some training camps, but many Cyber-Knights are taught one-on-one by a mentor Knight. Cyber-Knights often work with other adventurers with a noble heart, ranging from Juicers to D-Bees from the Rifts. Their ties are strongest with Native Americans, D'Norr Devil Men, Fennodi, Lyn-Srial, Sasquatch, Tirrvol, True Atlanteans and the Yhabbayar.

Recently there has been a major rift, some would say civil war, amongst the Cyber-Knights. Tolkeen's decision to pursue war with the Coalition split the fellowship: One group wanted to assist to battle what was perceived as the greater evil, while the other followed Lord Coake's mandate to stay neutral in the conflict and only function as diplomats, protectors of refugees and aid workers. The former group, led reluctantly by Sir Rigeld Baltacle, increasingly find that Tolkeen is at best a pale shadow of the CS, slowly approaching Coalition-style brutality and hatred. While many in both Fellowships have anger to their comrades on either side, there are numerous Knights who want to live and let live, Sir Taloquin being considered a foremost figure for peace and negotiation.


Cyber-Knights have a code of behavior and honor outlined in the books to some detail. It is similar to chivalry in many ways, helping to define the Cyber-Knight as a class. Example of these rules include avoiding torture, not using a Psi-Sword against a foe not up to the challenge, honoring women and children, respecting laws and customs as long as they do not supersede the rights to life, keeping one's word of honor, never betraying a confidence or comrade, and similar chivalric principles.


Cyber-Knights vary internally into a number of categories, both good (Courtiers, Crusaders, and Champions), evil (Robber Knights and Despoilers), and unaffiliated knights (Fallen Knights and Justiciars).

Good Cyber-Knights


Courtiers follow the Code exactingly and make it a part of their behavior pattern; though all Knights follow the Code, they have refined it to a science. They are most similar to the real-world Samurai, who follow the Bushido code.


Crusaders tend to be more monastic and rigid than Courtiers, following not only the Code but rules demanding largesse and the donation of all surplus wealth, humility, moral purity and spartan poverty. Crusaders also tend to be more determined than other knights to embark on particular quests that define them. An analogy could be made between a Crusader and a Buddhist monk.


Champions are the "muscle" of the Cyber-Knight community. They spend their time honing their martial prowess, engaging in competitions and tournaments, and keeping their personal record both filled with accomplishments and decidedly unembellished. While they engage in valorous combat and questing, this group falls under criticism from some members of the community for being too concerned with personal fame and strength and not enough with actual heroic acts and behavior.

Evil Cyber-Knights

Robber Knights

Robber Knights are simple bandits. They tend to take what they want with their Cyber-Knight skills. However, residues of their training tend to remain, and most will take what they want without unnecessary injury or force.


Despoilers are effectively anti-Paladins. They have committed themselves to mocking the Code, Lord Coake and the other Knights. They engage in all manner of brutality and debauchery. They are considered to be the complete opposite of a true Cyber-Knight, although they possess the same powers.

Unaffiliated Cyber-Knights

Fallen Knights

Fallen Knights are in a sense both a type of knight and a category of knight. Any Knight can fall (though there is generally no official knightly inquisition, and no loss of powers like the Cosmo-Knight, it is clear when someone has abandoned their calling). Most Fallen Knights simply fail to live to some of the precepts of the Code. They may even be heroic, or at least anti-heroic. Many become mercenaries, deputies or other callings and still try to protect others. A Knight can fall further and become a Blackguard, further divided into three categories.


Justiciars consider themselves full members of the Cyber-Knights; indeed, possibly the truest members. They are counted as Fallen Knights, however, because they tend to be zealots and even maniacs, determined to enforce their own sense of honor without regard for differences, diversity, tolerance or cooperation. While they profess to follow the Code, most interpret it to allow excesses of violence and torture, breaking local laws and regulations without a second thought, and generally as a mandate to pursue their twisted vision.

See also

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