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The Anshani are an ancient race of space farers from the role-playing game Incursion by Tri Tac Games.

The Anshani were one of the first sentient races to arise in the Milky Way Galaxy over five billion years ago. They, like humanity, evolved from a creature that once lived the trees. But unlike humanity, they never became warlike or hostile to others. Somehow, they evolved a peaceful society that was free of most of the problems that plagued other races.

This not to say that they were pacifists. No, the Anshani were quite capable of "disciplining" other races they encountered, like a loving parent disciplining a truant child. They even went as far as large scale brain washing, trying to change other races mental processes to match their own. It didn't succeed. The other races really didn't want to dance and sing with the Anshani, they rather fight amongst themselves. Ultimately the Anshani realized that they were not having fun anymore, policing the various wars and conflicts that arose in their commonwealth, so they "left" the Three Galaxies for someplace or somewhen else.

Physically, the Anshani were a small race, and were used to gathering in large groups to sing and dance. They didn't view personal space as something to be protected and never bothered in putting in doors to close off personal areas in their buildings or starships.

They reached such a high level of technology and understanding of how the universe works that no other race has been able to replicate their advances. Many of their ships and devices are still present and still working after billions of years of use.

They used a fairly standard writing system, what with enough clues and "Rosetta stones" that it can be translated for the most part.

However, their numeric notation system is a bit arcane. It uses different notations for "ones spot" values and "threes spot" values. Anshani had three manipulative digits on their "hands": three fingers that were mutually opposing, arranged in a "W" formation around their palm. Because of this, their numbering system seems to stem from counting with their fingers and hands.

There are three "one's" values: 0, 1, 2, depicted as "o", "I", and "V", and four "three's" values, 0, 3, 6, 9, depicted as "8", "W", "L", and "[".

The values are arranged in this manner: 1's 3's 10's 30's 100's 300's 1,000's 3,000's and so on. Decimal places function similarly and are separated from the whole numbers by a slash.

Numbers are written from left to right, so the number 12 is written "V8I" and 200 is written as "o8o8V"

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