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The Anarchs are a fictional sect of vampires in White Wolf Game Studio's Vampire: The Masquerade role-playing game. Although they are technically members of the Camarilla, they reject the Camarilla's top down power structure, and aim to change it into the grand protector of kindred it claims to be. The name refers to the misconception that they support creating anarchy instead of order. This misconception is encouraged by the vampire elders, who hold most of the power in the game world.

In the revised rulebook; the Anarchs, the Sabbat, & the Camarilla are listed as the three main sects that Clans belong to.


The membership of the Anarchs is wide and varied, but the majority of its members are drawn from the clans of the Camarilla and the Sabbat. Whilst it is possible for members of independent Clans or Bloodlines to join, they are less frequently counted amongst the Anarchs numbers.


During the 14th Century there was a gulf in power between the Elder European vampires and their childer, who were often seen as disposable pawns by their progenitors; this was displayed during the Inquisition when many Elders left, or sacrificed their childer to the flames in an attempt to escape such a fate themselves. Tensions increased until the 15th century when an attack on the Ventrue Elder Hardestadt by the Brujah Tyler ignited a pan-European conflict known as the Anarch Revolt. This continued for over a century, the Lasombra Antediluvian itself falling to its fury. The revolt ended in 1493, when the newly formed Camarilla offered an olive branch to the hard-pressed Anarch movement, suggesting that they join and they would be then protected from the majority of reprisals to their actions. The Anarch leaders readily agreed to this, and a great deal of Anarchs joined the fledgling sect; however many Anarchs, particularly those of the Lasombra or Tzimisce clans refused to join, heading off on their own, later to become the Sabbat.


The Anarchs are often organised into gangs with no greater structure than that. However some areas are moderated by a Baron, roughly the equivalent to a Prince of the Camarilla, only with less power and a more precarious position. The more coherent Anarch societies also find places for undervalued and unappreciated 'officers' such as Emissaries and Sweepers.


The Anarchs have a multitude of philosophies within their ranks, ranging from poorly thought out violent rages against the Camarilla, attempts to change it subtly or democratically, to those who when offered a sniff of power return faithfully to its ivory tower.

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