Legality of Cannabis by U.S. Jurisdiction

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Halu Oleo International Conference on Economic and Business (IACS-HOICEB 2023)
Analysis of the Treatment of Damaged Products in Bread Factories in
Determination of Cost Price
Niken Nurjanah1, Nitri Mirosea1*, Andi Basru Wawo1, Andi Muhammad Fuad Ramadhan1
1Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author, Email:
This study aims to determine the treatment of damaged products in determining the cost of finished products at UD. Sari Rama
Bakery and to find out whether the cost of goods for each finished product is in accordance with the actual amount of costs
that have been used by each product. The data used is primary data obtained through interviews with UD owners. Sari Rama
Bakery. Technical data analysis with the process of systematically searching and compiling data obtained from interviews and
documentation. The results showed that in UD. Sari Rama Bakery has abnormally defective products. Accounting treatment of
defective products at UD. Sari Rama Bakery is not recorded and also not reported in the cost of goods produced report, this is
not in accordance with the concept of cost accounting which should report damaged products to the cost of goods produced
report as an increase to the cost of goods produced.
Keywords: Accounting Treatment, Cost of Goods Produced, Defective Products.
Currently, the industrial world is playing an
important role in Indonesia’s production era. The
development of the times and technological advances
have caused companies engaged in the industry to
experience very rapid progress. This progress has had
an impact on competition between companies, which is
also getting tighter. Considering these conditions, each
company must make more efforts to streamline and
efficiently the time and costs that will be used to meet
quantity targets but still produce high-quality products.
(Nosra Weti, 2016).
In Indonesia, the majority of entrepreneurs
develop their products, especially in the food industry,
which grows rapidly by producing a variety of high-
quality products, all of which were established with the
intention of achieving the goal that has been set,
namely, to obtain the maximum profit, thus increasing
fierce competition between companies, especially in
the field of food production, to create the best and
quality products to attract consumers to the market. To
create a high-quality product, companies cannot avoid
mistakes, mistakes made by employees, and limitations
of machines used in production or product
management. Therefore, the company needs quality
and prices that can compete with other businesses and
follow its development, especially in the food industry.
The production process that pays attention to
quality will produce good-quality products that are
expected to be free from damage to avoid wasted costs.
In every production process, the company strives for
the quality of the product to be maintained, but in its
implementation, it cannot be separated from obstacles
that can be caused by human error, limited machine
capabilities, and lack of supervision of the production
process. These obstacles cause damage, so the resulting
products do not meet the quality standards that have
been set (Glassie, 2014).
According to Kotler (2012), a product is anything
that can be offered to the market to get attention,
bought, used, or consumed to satisfy a desire or need.
Conceptually, the product is the subjective
understanding of what the producer can offer in an
effort to achieve organizational goals by meeting the
needs and activities of consumers, according to the
competence and capacity of the organization, as well as
the purchasing power of the market. An advanced
company will not be separated from the quality that is
improved by reducing the occurrence of damaged
products, resulting in costs that will continue to
decrease and ultimately increase profits. Damaged
products are products produced during the production
process, but they do not comply with the established
quality standards. However, economically, the product
can be repaired at a certain cost, but it could be that the
required costs will be greater than the selling value
after the product is repaired. The problem of defective
products is important for companies. The effect of
these product defects on the quality of the products
adversely affects the company's main goal, which is to
Indonesian Annual Conference Series, Vol. 2, 2023
Halu Oleo International Conference on Economic and Business (IACS-HOICEB 2023)
Halu Oleo International Conference on Economic and Business (IACS-HOICEB 2023)
make a profit. With the damaged product, the company
experiences losses in costs and production processes
because it is not suitable for sale at a price that has
been determined by the company; therefore, the
company must apply accounting treatment in
accordance with these conditions to minimize the
occurrence of production cost overruns.
According to Mulyadi (2015), damaged products
do not meet predetermined quality standards and
cannot be repaired economically into better products.
Economically damaged products cannot be repaired if
the cost of repair is greater than the increase in selling
value, which may be because the damaged product
sells well or does not sell.
According to Nosra Weti (2016), defective
products are products produced in the production
process, but the products do not conform to established
quality standards, but in a timely manner.
economically, such products can be repaired at a
certain cost, but it could be that the costs required will
be greater than the selling value after the product is
repaired. The problem of defective products is
important for companies. The effect of these product
defects on the quality of the products adversely affects
the company's main goal, which is to make a profit.
With the damaged product, the company experiences
losses in costs and production processes because it is
not suitable for sale at a price determined by the
company; therefore, the company must apply
accounting treatment in accordance with these
conditions to minimize the occurrence of production
cost overruns.
Based on defective product interviews that took
place during UD. Sari Rama Bakery is due to expire
(past the expiration date).
Table 1. Results of bread production at UD. Sari Rama Bakery from October to December 2022
No Product Type
1 Brown Bread
2 Braid Bread
Roti Polo
On UD. Sari Rama Bakery does not allocate or
charge the cost of damaged products to each finished
product, the owner does not take into account the costs
that have been absorbed by the existence of the
damaged product. This defective product should be
charged the cost of goods completed in the cost of
goods produced report.
Defective products are a very important problem
within a company. The influence of these products on
the quality of the products produced has a negative
influence on the company's main goal, which is to
make a profit. With the damaged product, the company
experiences losses in the production process because
this product is not suitable for sale at the price
determined by the company; therefore, it is necessary
to understand the proper accounting treatment and
adjust to the company's conditions. Cost accounting
treatment in damaged products will help in providing
detailed information on the costs used in damaged
products, the causes of damage, and the cost of goods,
so that they can be identified and classified to allow
careful calculation of the cost of goods produced.
(Pradana, 2014)
According to Mulyadi (2015), the cost of goods
produced is the overall cost incurred for the production
process, which consists of direct raw materials, direct
labor, and factory overhead costs plus product
inventory in the initial process and minus product
inventory in the final process. The calculation of the
cost of goods produced is one of the most important
cost accounting objectives because the cost of goods
produced will be used in the calculation of the cost of
goods sold and affect profits.
With damaged products, of course, this will also
affect the calculation of the cost of goods produced.
The cost of goods produced is a collection of
production costs consisting of direct raw materials,
direct labor, and factory overhead costs plus product
inventory in the initial process and minus product
inventory in the final process. The calculation of the
cost of goods produced is one of the cost accounting
objectives that is felt to be quite important because the
Halu Oleo International Conference on Economic and Business (IACS-HOICEB 2023)
cost of goods produced will be used in the calculation
of the cost of goods sold and considerations to
determine the selling price of products. This
significantly affects a company's profits. (Mulyadi,
Profit is the difference between revenue and profit
after deducting expenses and losses, and profit is also a
measurement of operating activities (Riwayadi 2017).
A company’s success or failure is seen from the
company's profits or profits. If the desired company
profit is appropriate, then the company has been
involved in achieving the goal; if the profit received is
not as desired or even a loss, it can be said that the
company has failed to achieve the goal of obtaining
profit. (Bastian, 2017)
Therefore, the problem that can be formulated in
this study is how the treatment of damaged products
determines the cost of finished products at UD. Sari
Rama Bakery and What is the cost of goods for each
finished product at UD. Sari Rama Bakery has adjusted
the actual amount of costs that have been used by each.
The purpose of this study is to determine the
treatment of damaged products to determine the cost of
finished products at UD. Sari Rama Bakery. Determine
the cost of goods for each finished product at UD. Sari
Rama Bakery has adjusted the amount of actual costs
that have been used by each.
According to Nasrul (2016), cost accounting is a
process of identifying, defining, measuring, reporting,
and analyzing elements of direct or indirect costs
related to the production and marketing process of
Cost is the amount of money spent (or can be in
the form of debt) on the company's operational
activities to produce goods or services. Expense is a
decrease in economic benefits during an accounting
period in the form of outflows, decreases in assets, or
the occurrence of liabilities that result in a decrease in
equity that is not related to investment (Darsono,
In manufacturing enterprises, the cycle of
activities begins with the processing of raw materials in
the production section and ends with the delivery of
finished products to the warehouse section. In
manufacturing companies, the cost accounting cycle
begins by recording the cost of raw materials included
in the production process, followed by recording direct
labor costs and factory overhead costs consumed for
production, and ends with the presentation of the cost
of finished products submitted by the production
department to the warehouse section. Cost accounting
in manufacturing companies aims to present
information on the cost of goods produced per unit of
finished product submitted to a warehouse. (Sampurno,
According to Kotler (2012), quality refers to all
the characteristics and properties of a product or
service that affect the ability to satisfy stated or implied
needs. This is a consumer-centered definition of
quality: a producer can provide quality if the product or
service provided can meet or exceed consumer
The importance of quality can be explained from
two angles, namely from the point of operational
management and marketing management. From the
perspective of operational management, product quality
is an important policy for increasing product
competitiveness that must provide satisfaction to
consumers exceeding or at least equal to the quality of
products from competitors. (William, 2012).
Production costs are the costs used in the
production process, consisting of direct raw material
costs, direct labor costs, and factory overhead costs.
This production cost is also called the product cost,
which is the cost that can be associated with a product,
and is part of the inventory.
The cost of the goods produced is closely related
to the indicators of company success. The cost of goods
produced shows the cost of goods (goods and services)
produced in a certain accounting period. This means
that the cost of the goods produced is part of the cost
price, which is the cost of goods sold in an accounting
period. According to Mulyadi (2015), the benefits
obtained from the Cost of Goods Produced information
for management are as follows:1) determine the selling
price of a product, 2) control production cost practices
in the field, 3) calculate and know periodic profits or
losses of the business, and 4) determine the cost of
goods inventories and products in the process.
The methods of determining the cost of goods
produced are the full costing method and variable
costing. Full costing is a method of determining
production costs that takes into account all elements of
production costs, including raw material costs, direct
labor costs, and factory overhead costs, both variable
and fixed (Mulyadi, 2015). Variable costing is a
method of determining the cost of production that only
considers production costs that only behave variably
Halu Oleo International Conference on Economic and Business (IACS-HOICEB 2023)
into production costs, consisting of raw material costs,
direct labor costs, and variable factory overhead costs.
(Mulyadi, 2015).
According to Muhtarudin (2019), damaged
products are failed products that technically or
economically cannot be repaired into products that
comply with established quality standards, but have
used all elements of production costs (raw materials,
labor, and factory overhead). Bustami and Nurlela
(2007) Define a damaged product is a product
produced in the production process, where the resulting
product can be repaired at a certain cost, but the costs
incurred tend to be greater than the selling value after
the product is repaired.
Damaged products can be caused by two factors:
first, damaged products are caused by external
conditions, for example, difficult workmanship
specifications set by the customer, or these conditions
are commonly called abnormal causes. If this condition
is treated as a good increase in the cost of goods of the
product, the damaged product is estimated to be sold.
The estimated market value is treated as a reduction in
production costs. This indicates that the incurred losses
are charged in the order in question. Second, damaged
products caused by internal parties, such as poor raw
materials, equipment, and experts, are commonly
called normal causes.
Damaged products that occur in the production
process can be caused by a lack of supervision during
the production process, which is considered an
abnormal error; damaged products that occur can also
be caused by the state of the machine used to produce;
for example, the machine is worn out or the machine is
damaged, and damaged products can also occur
because of the quality of raw materials used in the
production process, and if the raw materials used are
of low quality, the volume of damaged products is also
Defective products can be divided into normal and
abnormal products. The accounting treatment of
defective products is intended to determine the
magnitude of the cost of damage and distinguish
between the costs of normal and abnormal damage.
Normal damage is the damage inherent in a
particular production process that still occurs, even
though operations have taken place efficiently. In
general, the production cost or cost of goods of
defective products that are normal are treated as part of
the cost of goods completed because the presence of
damaged products is considered necessary to produce a
number of finished products. Abnormal damage is not
inherent in a particular production process and does not
occur under efficient operating conditions. To address
the effect of abnormal damage costs, the company
calculates abnormal damaged units and records their
costs on the loss account of abnormal damage, which is
presented as a separate heading in the income
statement. (Horngren et al., 2012)
According to Murshidi (2010), the accounting
treatment of damaged products has four properties and
causes: 1) damaged products are normally sold, and the
sales results are treated as: a) Other income b)
Reduction of factory overhead costs, c) Deduction of
each element of production costs, d) Deduction of the
cost of goods of finished products; 2) Normal damaged
products are not sold, and the cost of damaged products
will be charged to the finished product so that the cost
of finished products increases. 3) Damaged products
are abnormally sold; therefore, the sales results of
damaged products are treated as a deduction for
damaged product losses. 4) The defective product is
abnormal and unsellable; therefore, the cost of the
defective product should not be calculated as the cost
of the finished product but must be considered as a
loss, so it will be treated as a loss of the defective
The research was conducted at UD. Sari Rama
Bakery which is located at Jalan Sains II Gg. IV,
Mataiwoi, Kec. Wua-Wua, Kendari City, Southeast
Sulawesi 931117. The location of the research was
chosen considering that both the data and information
needed are easy to obtain and relevant to the subject
matter, which is the main object of research.
Quantitative and qualitative data were used in this
study. This study uses quantitative data in the form of
production data, cost data, and other information
related to production cost reports. In this study,
qualitative data are in the form of an explanation from
the company regarding the information related to this
study. The data sources used in this study are primary
and secondary data. The primary data in this study
were collected through direct interviews with company
owners. The data to be obtained are in the form of an
overview of the company, organizational structure, and
information on the treatment of damaged products and
the UD cost of goods produced reports. Sari Rama
Halu Oleo International Conference on Economic and Business (IACS-HOICEB 2023)
Bakery in production in 2022. Secondary data: The
data obtained in this study are in the form of theory,
literature review, and previous research.
Data collection in this study used interview and
documentation methods. In this study, direct interviews
were conducted with the company's management, in
which case the company's leaders and the documents
used in this study were in the form of document
information in the company that was revanized with
this research.
This study uses descriptive analysis with a
quantitative approach to calculate the cost of goods that
UD should set. Sari Rama Bakery and explained the
treatment of damaged products to determine the cost of
goods of their products.
Production costs are the costs incurred to process
the raw materials into finished products. The
production costs used in the production process consist
of direct raw material, direct labor, and factory
overhead costs. Costs are often measured in monetary
units (dollars) that must be paid for goods and services.
The cost of goods produced is the total cost of
producing goods that have been completed in a certain
period. The cost of goods produced includes the costs
incurred during the production process, namely the cost
of raw materials, labor costs, and factory overhead
costs. The calculation of the cost of goods produced is
one of the most important cost accounting objectives
because the cost of goods produced will be used in the
calculation of the cost of goods sold and affect profits.
Damaged products are products that have gone
through the production process but do not meet the
quality standards that have been set; to repair the
damaged product will cost more and the quality is still
not better than other standard products. Occurrence of
Defective Products in UD. Sari Rama Bakery is due to
mistakes made by employees and lack of supervision of
the implementation of the production process.
Presenting data based on the right type of
research. Data can be presented in the form of a
narrative, table, or an appropriate picture. Then, the
data were analyzed by comparing the concepts,
theories, and results of previous research.
Collection of production costs at UD. Sari Rama
Bakery for the period of October, November, and
December in 2022. The results of the interviews were
as follows:
The direct raw material costs in the manufacture
of brown bread, braids, and polo consist of flour, eggs,
butter, sugar, chocolate, vanilla, messes, cheese, milk,
and miscellaneous adjuvants.
"The raw materials used in making the three types
of bread consist of flour, eggs, butter, sugar, chocolate,
vanilla, messes, cheese, milk, and other auxiliary
ingredients. (interview by Abe's mother on March 7,
Direct labor is all employees who directly
participate in the production process consisting of 3
people for the procurement of materials, 4 people who
carry out processing and forming, 5 people for
combustion and cooling, and the last consists of 6
people who do packaging.
"In the manufacture of products at UD. Sari Rama
Bakery uses 3 people to procure ingredients for each
type of bread made, consisting of 4 people who do
processing and forming, 5 people for baking and
cooling, and the last one consists of 6 people who do
packaging. Employee salaries are determined based on
the employee's old or new and type of work, for old
employees the salary amount is Rp. 2,750,000, and the
amount of salary for old employees is RP. 1,300,000,
and it has been covered by the employees' meals and
residences." (interview by Abe's mother on March 7,
Factory overhead costs, that is, all costs other than
direct raw material costs and direct labor costs, but help
in converting materials into finished products
consisting of electricity and water costs. "In carrying
out the bread production process using machines that
require electricity, so the electricity costs incurred
every month are Rp. 1,750,000. (interview by Abe's
mother on March 7, 2023)
"In the process of extracting bread ingredients
requires water, the cost incurred every month is Rp.
1,750,000." (interview by Abe's mother on March 7,
"In the bread packaging process, bread is
packaged using plastic, the cost used every month is
Rp. 2,000,000". (interview by Abe's mother on March
7, 2023)
"In the roasting process, the gas cost incurred
every month is Rp. 2,990,000" (interview by Abe's
mother on March 7, 2023)
Calculation of production costs and treatment of
damaged products based on UD. Sari Rama Bakery
Halu Oleo International Conference on Economic and Business (IACS-HOICEB 2023)
that happened in three months, The results of the
interviews were as follows:
"Yes, in the production process, there are
damaged products due to mistakes made by employees
in the combustion and packaging process and lack of
supervision of the implementation of the production
process. As well as the number of damaged products
for three months for brown bread which is 104 pcs,
braid bread 90 pcs, and polo bread 177 pcs." (interview
by Abe's mother on March 7, 2023)
Based on interviews with UD owners. Sari Rama
Bakery about how the treatment of damaged products,
here are the results of her interview:
"There are indeed goods that do not meet
standards such as damage, for example due to
employee errors in the combustion and packaging
process and lack of supervision of the implementation
of the production process. The item cannot be repaired
and cannot be sold, so we burn it unless someone wants
to buy it to feed the fish.". (interview by Abe's mother
on March 7, 2023)
The interview was then conducted with UD. Sari
Rama Bakery about how the factory presents a report
on the cost of goods produced, here are the results of
her interview:
"In this factory there is no presentation of the cost
of goods produced report specifically, because it only
records thoroughly every production process carried
out in the factory, and it is still recorded manually and
there is no one specifically to record the report of cost
of goods produced.". (interview by Abe's mother on
March 7, 2023).
Table 2. Calculation of Production costs and treatment of defective products based on UD. Sari Rama Bakery for
October, November and December 2022
Types of Fees
Brown Bread
Braided bread
Polo Bread
Other Auxiliary Materials
3. BOP
Total cost of production / Cost of
Goods Produced
Production Volume (Units)
Cost of goods produced per piece
Data Source: Processed in 2023
Based on the results of the calculation of the cost
of goods damaged at UD. Sari Rama Bakery should
calculate depreciation costs and include the cost of
damaged products as an increase in the cost of goods
produced so that the profit generated becomes greater.
Based on the results of the study, the calculation
results according to the company before including the
cost of damaged products, the cost of goods produced
for brown bread is IDR 96,680,000, braid bread IDR
99,400,000, and polo bread IDR 128,122,000. for the
selling price per unit of brown bread and Rp. IDR
Halu Oleo International Conference on Economic and Business (IACS-HOICEB 2023)
6,036.46, braid bread IDR 7,260.77, and polo bread
IDR 4,723.37 Meanwhile, according to the results of
the analysis in Table 4.5, after including depreciation
costs and the cost of damaged goods, the cost of goods
produced becomes greater, namely brown bread Rp.
Rp. 103,660,942. braid bread Rp. 106,359,759 .and
polo bread Rp. 135,323,755. Therefore, the unit price
of brown bread is Rp. 6,472.33, and that of braided
bread is Rp. 7,769.15, and that of polo bread is Rp.
The difference in the company's calculation
results with the calculation results according to the
analysis is due to the fact that in calculating factory
overhead costs, the company does not calculate
depreciation costs, and in calculating the cost of goods
produced, the company does not include the cost of
damaged products in its calculations.
Table 3. Analysis of Cost of Goods Produced Calculation
Types of Fees
Brown Bread
Braided bread
Polo Bread
1. Flour
Other Auxiliary Materials
3. BOP
Total cost of production/cost of goods
Cost of Goods Damaged
Cost of Goods Produced
Production volume (Units)
Cost of goods produced per piece
Data Source: Processed in 2023
Calculation of production costs and treatment of
defective products at UD. Sari Rama Bakery is that
there is no calculation of production costs specifically
because the factory owner does not know about the
calculation of production costs in accordance with
accounting procedures. In addition, there is no special
treatment for damaged products or reprocessing of
these products, unless someone wants to buy fish feed.
The damaged product was not calculated in the cost of
goods produced first, so losses due to the damaged
product should be charged into production costs at that
time. In this case, the company suffered a loss due to a
damaged product, but the company did not calculate it.
Defective products that occur during UD. Sari
Rama Bakery is external or abnormal, because the
occurrence of damaged products is due to mistakes
made by employees in the combustion and packaging
process and lack of supervision of the implementation
of the production process. In this case, the accounting
treatment of damaged products, namely, the cost of
damaged products, increases the cost of goods
produced because it has absorbed all production costs.
Halu Oleo International Conference on Economic and Business (IACS-HOICEB 2023)
Based on the calculation of the analysis results,
the cost of goods produced increases, resulting in a
lower profit calculation. However, in the long run,
when the company calculates production costs
correctly to account for all goods and damaged
products, it will greatly help the company.
Thus, from the results of this study, it is expected
that with damaged products, the company can
minimize the damage by looking for more experienced
employees, conducting supervision (quality control),
using more sophisticated machines, and calculating all
production costs that have been absorbed, both good
products and damaged products; it is expected that the
company can run in the long term and there are no
losses that are unknown to the company, because the
damaged products that occur have absorbed all
production costs.
Based on the results of research and discussion
that have been described by the author, it can be
concluded that the treatment of damaged products in
determining the cost of finished products according to
the company has not been in accordance with
accounting for damaged products; the damaged
products are not reported to the report of cost of goods
produced as an increase in cost of goods produced and
damaged products must be considered as losses
because the damaged products are abnormal in nature,
where the damaged product occurs due to employee
errors in the combustion and packaging process and
lack of supervision of the implementation of the
production process and calculation of the cost of goods
produced by each finished product at UD. Sari Rama
Bakery does not yet reflect the actual cost amount
consumed by each product. This is because the
damaged product is not reported in the cost of goods
produced as an increase in the company's initial cost of
goods produced.
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