Legality of Cannabis by U.S. Jurisdiction

How this document has been cited

"It is well settled that issues and legal theories not asserted at the District Court level ordinarily will not be heard on appeal."
- in US v. Philip Morris USA Inc., 2015 and 90 similar citations
And in Air Florida, the DC Circuit emphasized that "we imply no opinion regarding either the applicability of the public trust doctrine to the federal government or the appropriateness of using the doctrine to afford trustees a means for recovering from tortfeasors the cost of restoring public waters to their pre-injury condition."
- in Juliana v. US, 2016 and 21 similar citations
The court also relied on the DC Circuit's observation that " `[i] n this country the public trust doctrine has developed almost exclusively as a matter of state law.'"Id
- in JULIANA v. US, 2016 and 18 similar citations
The hospitals did not raise these arguments in the District Court, and we do not consider them here.
—noting that "the doctrine has been expanded to protect additional water-related uses such as swimming and similar recreation, aesthetic enjoyment of rivers and lakes, and preservation of flora and fauna indigenous to public trust lands
- in ALEC L. v. Jackson, 2012 and 20 similar citations
Thus, state courts considering the public trust doctrine have developed their own frameworks for examining the administration of lands held in public trust.
- in Lawrence v. Clark County, 2011 and 15 similar citations
To be sure, this court has the discretion, in "exceptional circumstances, where injustice might otherwise result," to "consider questions of law that were neither raised below nor passed upon by the District Court."
- in Huron v. Cobert, 2016 and 18 similar citations
N] either the Supreme Court nor the federal courts of appeals have expressly decided whether public trust duties apply to the United States. There appear to be only two district court cases which explicitly hold that this common-law rule applies to the federal government as well as to the states
- in Environmental Affairs Law Review and 14 similar citations
The DC Circuit has had occasion to state, albeit in dictum, that "[i] n this country the public trust doctrine has developed almost exclusively as a matter of state law" and that "the doctrine has functioned as a constraint on states' ability to alienate public trust lands."
- in ALEC L. v. Jackson, 2012 and 15 similar citations
"While a complaint should not be dismissed unless the court determines that the allegations do not support relief on any legal theory, the complaint nonetheless must set forth sufficient information to suggest that there is some recognized legal theory upon which relief may be granted."
- in Boyd v. Farrin, 2013 and 24 similar citations

Cited by

288 F. 3d 421 - Court of Appeals, Dist. of Columbia Circuit 2002
354 P. 3d 83 - Wyo: Supreme Court 2015
711 F. 3d 147 - Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 2013
Dist. Court, WD New York 2012
Dist. Court, D. Oregon 2016
217 F. Supp. 3d 1224 - Dist. Court, D. Oregon 2016
Dist. Court, Dist. of Columbia 2013
863 F. Supp. 2d 11 - Dist. Court, Dist. of Columbia 2012
643 SE 2d 324 - Ga: Court of Appeals 2007
599 SE 2d 862 - W Va: Supreme Court of Appeals 2004