Legality of Cannabis by U.S. Jurisdiction

How this document has been cited

—to protect, on the one hand, fair traders, particularly established shopkeepers, resident permanently in towns or other places, and paying rent and taxes there for local privileges, from the mischiefs of being undersold by itinerant persons, to their injury; and, on the other, to guard the public from the impositions practised by such persons in the course of their dealings; who …
- in Emert v. Missouri, 1895 and 10 similar citations
HAWKERS DEFINED.--A hawker, to come within 50 Geo. 3, c. 41, must be a person going from town to town
- in The Justices' Manual and 4 similar citations
A person sending his own goods, &c. to a town not his residence, and there selling them, would be liable to the penalty for trading without a hawker's licence
Sorrow now appeared in support of the conviction, and contended that the evidence justified the conviction, for that it is not necessary to constitute the offence that the party should go to more than one town
—went to S., and took up a temporary abode at an inn there, and that he employed an auctioneer living at S. to sell for him there goods from B.(part of which were proved to be of his own manufacture), who sold them by the defendant's order, and under his directions and authority, the defendant remaining at S. during the sale; the objection being that the evidence did not …