Legality of Cannabis by U.S. Jurisdiction

How this document has been cited

The court holdings, predominantly state courts, appear almost uniformly to be that the States may not add to the qualifications
- in The Constitution of the United States of America: analysis and … and 2 similar citations
Relying on Garner and two state cases that had previously upheld this oath against attainder challenges
—the Court, in a similar case, obviously made special efforts to prevent mootness. review and had in fact abused it in the instant case.
Nevertheless, if the court determines that the case is one of public importance, it would seem within its discretion to grant it priority.
- in University of Pennsylvania Law Review and one similar citation
—entered the following order, per curiam: "The appeal is dismissed on the ground that the federal questions have become moot."
- in Constitutional law: cases and materials and one similar citation
A separate appeal by a Progressive Party candidate for governor became moot when, shortly before the election, the Court (Black, Douglas, and Vinson dissenting) declined to expedite hearing of the case.
—state's Ober Act requiring candidates for public office to file affidavits stating that they are not subversives
The state legislature has the power to prescribe qualifications for candidates, provided such qualifications do not conflict with the constitution and are reasonable.
—the Maryland court so construed a statute couched in terms substantially similar to those employed in Chapter 377, Laws of Washington, 1955; and Gerende
- in Baggett v. Bullitt, 1963 and one similar citation
Ie believes it is up to the Court to point out the way the Court reaches its conclusions for the guidance of the industry. Said he

Cited by

79 A. 2d 518 - Md: Court of Appeals 1951
RH Fallon… - (No Title), 2003
191 F. 3d 911 - Court of Appeals, 8th Circuit 1999
[CITATION] The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and …
LS Jayson… - 1996