Legality of Cannabis by U.S. Jurisdiction

How this document has been cited

The plaintiff, admittedly a private individual, was engaged in conduct that fell within our criminal justice system and the disposition of the charge against her was a matter of public concern
- in Robart v. Post-Standard, 1980 and 2 similar citations
—film of plaintiff in handcuffs accompanied by audio description of plaintiff and others as "robbers," but not actionable because no "actual malice
- in Sack on defamation and 2 similar citations
There are, in addition, cases in which a photograph serves a dual function of identifying the plaintiff and itself implying a defamatory assertion given the context in which it appears.
- in Sack on defamation and 2 similar citations
"Malice" does not necessarily require personal aversion or hatred; an act is deemed in law to be malicious when it is done with knowledge of the plaintiff's rights and with the intention of interfering with those rights
- in Koger v. Weber, 1982 and one similar citation
On the basis of the specific allegations of fact concerning defendant Newfield's awareness of the lack of support for his charge of corruption, I do not believe that it would be proper to conclude at this stage that plaintiff could not, as the law requires, establish with clear and convincing evidence that defendant Newfield's statement was made with knowledge of falsity or …
- in Rinaldi v. Holt, Rinehart, 1977 and one similar citation

Cited by

518 F. 2d 638 - Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 1975
366 F. Supp. 92 - Dist. Court, SD New York 1973
674 SW 2d 751 - Tex: Supreme Court 1984
65 AD 2d 165 - NY: Appellate Div., 4th Dept. 1978
38 NY 2d 196 - NY: Court of Appeals 1975
80 Misc. 2d 109 - NY: Supreme Court, Broome 1974
71 Misc. 2d 146 - NY: Supreme Court, Monroe 1972
RA Smolla - (No Title), 1999
RD Sack - 1999