Legality of Cannabis by U.S. Jurisdiction

How this document has been cited

—observing that Hale' s three-part manuscript, including De Jure Maris, went unpublished for more than a hundred years, and that Hale had willed many of his writings to the library of Lincoln' s Inn, and its publisher, Hargrave, later obtained the essay from the solicitor-general to the queen
- in VERMONT LAW REVIEW and 2 similar citations
Pre-emptive rights of riparian proprietors under legislation of New York in respect of grants of land under water to the city of New York, and by it to others
—succeeded to all the rights of the Crown and Parliament of England in lands under tide waters, and that the owner of land bounded by a navigable river within the ebb and flow of the tide had no private title or right in the shore below high water mark, and was entitled to no compensation for the construction, under a grant from the legislature of the State, of a railroad …

Cited by

72 F. 2d 248 - Circuit Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 1934
C Engel - 2018
[CITATION] Warren's Weed on the New York law of real property
WX Weed - 1950
LE Schwartz - (No Title), 1937
R Desty… - 1915
152 US 1 - Supreme Court 1894