Legality of Cannabis by U.S. Jurisdiction

How this document has been cited

Courts in other jurisdictions have also recognized that the principle of constitutional avoidance gives way where the constitutional question is of great public importance.
- in Gabler v. Crime Victims Rights Bd., 2017 and 5 similar citations
To the contrary, an impressive number of courts have determined that States lack the authority to add qualifications.
- in US Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, 1995 and 3 similar citations
—the Delaware court rejected legislatively-imposed additional qualifications on constitutionally created judicial offices stating: We are convinced from all the authorities that the Legislative branch of government has no authority to add further qualifications in connection with a constitutional judicial officer where the qualifications are provided by the Constitution.
- in Gerberding v. Munro, 1998 and 2 similar citations
Several state courts have held that such a provision would not prevent the office holder from becoming a candidate for Congress or Senate, as the state prohibition added to, or detracted from, the qualifications for a member of Congress or Senator
- in State ex rel. Davis v. Adams, 1970 and one similar citation
—this Court approved the general principle of law that where the Constitution creates an office and prescribes the qualifications that the incumbent must possess, the Legislature has no power to add to those qualifications by statute.
- in OPINION OF THE JUSTICES, 1968 and one similar citation
—striking down law that prohibited a justice of the peace from running for mayor as an unconstitutional additional qualification
The Supreme Court of Delaware, faced with a statutory provision that no judicial officer, during his term nor within six months after its termination, may be a candidate for an elective office, found it added to the elective office to which the judicial officer had aspired a further and additional qualication to that specified in the Constitution, ie, that such a candidate may not be …
- in Holley v. Adams, 1970 and one similar citation

Cited by

290 A. 2d 645 - Del: Supreme Court 1972
238 So. 2d 415 - Fla: Supreme Court 1970
960 NW 2d 350 - Wis: Supreme Court 2021
897 NW 2d 384 - Wis: Supreme Court 2017
949 P. 2d 1366 - Wash: Supreme Court 1998
887 P. 2d 960 - Alaska: Supreme Court 1994
706 F. 2d 1523 - Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit 1983
276 A. 2d 736 - Del: Supreme Court 1971
238 So. 2d 401 - Fla: Supreme Court 1970
245 A. 2d 172 - Del: Supreme Court 1968