Legality of Cannabis by U.S. Jurisdiction

How this document has been cited

—a consolidated proceeding involving both an unfair labor practice order and a direction of election.
This is the usual form of order, and has frequently been employed in cases where this Court has sustained Board orders
- in Southport Petroleum Co. v. NLRB, 1942 and 2 similar citations
Matter of S. Blechman & Sons, Inc. and United Wholesale Employees of New York, Local 65, Textile Workers Organizing Committee-Committee for Industrial Organization.
The Board often described how employers "feared that [the] disclosure [of their manipulation of the company union] would have a disastrous effect on their organizational activities
A question concerning representation has arisen where two labor organizations have advanced conflicting claims and a dispute existed concerning the appropriate unit or units and the representation of employees within such unit or units.
- in Digest and Index of Decisions and one similar citation
Where one of two unions has been dominated by the employer, a similar practice is followed in postponing the election for or against the independent union until such time as the effects of the unfair labor practices are removed.
- in Temple University Law Quarterly and one similar citation
—coercion must be shown by looking beyond the speech itself to its surrounding circumstances. s In brief, this was the state of the law prior to the enactment of section 8 (c) of the Taft-Hartley Act, the "employer free speech" section, in which Congress declared that: "" The expressing of any views, argument, or opinion, or the dissemination thereof, whether in written, printed …
- in University of Florida law review and one similar citation
If the company attorney took part in the formation of any committee or back to work movement, his present or prior connection with the company will be considered.
- in Labor Law and Relations: The Law and Statutes Involved in Dealings and … and one similar citation
—is a general condemnation of company unions, but characteristically says nothing about the precise issue at hand.
By acting through his own attorney, or through "recommended" company union attorneys, the employer has accomplished the same end.
- in Current Legal Thought: The Lawyers' Digest of Law Reviews and one similar citation

Cited by

324 US 9 - Supreme Court 1945
Discusses cited case briefly[CITATION] National v. NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD.
62 S. Ct. 452 - Supreme Court 1942
315 US 100 - Supreme Court 1942
United States. National Advisory … - 1952
[CITATION] Clerical and Office Unionism in the United States: The Unit for Collective …
JF Lubin - 1963
[CITATION] University of Florida law review
University of Florida. College of Law - 1962