Legality of Cannabis by U.S. Jurisdiction

How this document has been cited

It is "'just that the public be required to care for the prisoner, who cannot by reason of the deprivation of his liberty, care for himself.'"
- in IN RE DETENTION OF AYERS, 2010 and 172 similar citations
In light of this, the Court held that the State has a constitutional obligation, under the Eighth Amendment, to provide adequate medical care to those whom it has incarcerated.
- in West v. Atkins, 1988 and 13 similar citations
Implementing section 16-3-401 served that broad purpose by codifying the common law rule that prisoners must be cared for by the public who sanctions their detention.
While incarcerated, a prisoner is forced to rely on prison officials for her medical needs, and failure to provide for those needs can, in extreme cases, amount to torture and death.
- in MD v. Perry, 2013 and 7 similar citations
—liability on the part of county commissioners to provide necessary medical care to prisoners confined in jail was based on a statutory duty.

Cited by

331 SE 2d 690 - NC: Court of Appeals 1985
626 SE 2d 666 - NC: Court of Appeals 2006
281 NW 2d 786 - Neb: Supreme Court 1979
Dist. Court, WD Michigan 2024
Dist. Court, MD North Carolina 2023
Dist. Court, WD Michigan 2023
Dist. Court, WD Michigan 2023
Dist. Court, ND Mississippi 2018
Dist. Court, D. Oregon 2015