Legality of Cannabis by U.S. Jurisdiction

How this document has been cited

In the courts of many other States, statutes imposing a penalty for peddling, without a license, all goods of particular kinds, and not discriminating against goods brought from other States, or from foreign countries, have been held not to be repugnant to the Constitution of the United States.
- in Emert v. Missouri, 1895 and 5 similar citations
It is safer, and, as we believe, more correct, to say that our constitutions have been framed and agreed upon in view of an immemorial practice and rule of government under which the whole subject has been entrusted to the legislative department; and they are to be understood and construed in the light of that practice wherever the people have not expressly …
To pursue every delinquent liable to pay taxes through the forms of process and a jury trial would materially impede, if not wholly obstruct, the collection of the revenue
- in PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA v. CENTRAL PAC. E. CO. FOR TAXES OF, 1881 and one similar citation
SEC. 10. "The Sheriff may proceed on Sunday, by distress, to enforce the penalty authorized by a Revenue Act of the Legislature, for peddling without license. The revenue law is not liable to the constitutional objection of depriving the party of the right of trial by Jury; nor does it violate the spirit of that clause of the Federal Constitution which prohibits the States from …
The sheriff may proceed on Sunday by distress to enforce the penalty, authorized by a revenue act of the Legislature, for peddling without a license.
It shall not be lawful for any sheriff, constable, or other officer to execute any summons, capias, or other process on Sunday, unless the same be issued for treason, felony or misdemeanor.
The judiciary would not venture to indicate limits to the power of the sovereign in this regard, so long as its laws were general and impartial.