Legality of Cannabis by U.S. Jurisdiction

David R Henderson
Publication date
UC Davis L. Rev.
Both federal and state law criminalize the use and possession of many types of drugs in the United States.'These drugs include marijuana, heroin, crack, cocaine, angel dust, PCP, 2 and LSD.-To enforce this criminalization and reduce the use of illegal drugs, police and drug enforcement officials fight a" drug war." I oppose the drug war. I also advocate legalizing drugs whose sale and use is currently illegal. Although not problem-free, the case for legalization is much stronger than the case for criminalization. I also know that many bright people believe the opposite. In this category, for example, I would put William Bennett, 4 who recently resigned as President Bush's" drug czar," 5 and the noted political scientistJames Q. Wilson. 6 Nevertheless, I think they are wrong. My purpose in this Article is to give my case for legalization. My point of view is that of an economist, but also that of a
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