Legality of Cannabis by U.S. Jurisdiction

Anne E Russon, Joshua J Smith, Laura Adams
Publication date
Ethnoprimatology: Primate conservation in the 21st century
Springer International Publishing
Orangutan rehabilitation and reintroduction projects have operated continuously since the early 1970s at several sites in Borneo and Sumatra. These projects currently care for over 1000 displaced, orphaned orangutans. Their reintroduction success rates are commonly considered unsatisfactory, however, so improving success is a high priority. Virtually all rehabilitants were wild born, captured as young infants by orphaning them. They are typically rescued from captivity while still infants or as young juveniles (ca 2–6 years old, most <4 years). Rehabilitating them can therefore require alleviating stress, providing human nursery care, and social-emotional support, eliminating problem behaviors from captivity, and weaning from human dependence as well as encouraging the learning of complex forest and orangutan social expertise. Human-centered support and learning can undermine ex-captives …
Total citations
Scholar articles
AE Russon, JJ Smith, L Adams - Ethnoprimatology: Primate conservation in the 21st …, 2016